Mere weeks before his death, this magazine’s founder spoke to his wife of his affection for the Adventist Review and other institutions he had established. Through his tears James White said, “They are as my children. . . . [They] are the Lord’s instrumentalities to do a specific work.” He would rather die than see them “turned aside from the purpose for which they were brought into existence.”*
White’s fire did not flicker when he passed on. It still flames with holy brightness in the souls of the men and women who name the masthead he long ago headlined. At Adventist Review editorial offices we nourish the passion of White’s love for this paper, and his dedication to creative new ways of doing its work of heralding present truth. And we focus as keenly on our raison d’être as when terms of publication were gratis: to lift up Jesus, to better show His love, to hasten His soon and yearned-for return.
Two years of our sacred fever, together with your search for an ever-better product, have yielded the magazine now before you.
Two years of our sacred fever, together with your search for an ever-better product, have yielded the magazine now before you. You answered our polling questions online. Scores of interested minds participated in live focus groups from East to West Coast. We learned of your strong devotion to the Adventist Church and also of the keen interest among our 25- to 40-year-olds for significant changes in the look, feel, and approach of the magazine. You told us about paper quality, fonts, graphics, size, and delivery frequency. Beyond arresting design elements you testified to confidence in this historic magazine and the spiritual and theological respect it commands. We returned from our focus groups bearing profuse notes and recordings of your insights; we held our own intense discussions on the significance of responding Boomers, Busters, X, and Y rooting for a new Review with more quality information, on a less-frequent basis than before, more angles on important issues, and more issues of contemporary relevance. We listened, we’ve worked together, we’ve handed you an excellent product. But our climb continues—toward ever greater excellence. We still need you; we count on you to help us get there.
Yes, time changes names on our masthead. And terms of circulation advance from gratis to your enthusiastic individual subscription. Lord helping us, here’s what we shall never change: whether reviewing fresh CDs, books, or new media, we shall never forgot our raison d’être: to lift up Jesus, to better show His love, to hasten the glorious day of His return. We count on you to meet us there.
* In Ellen G. White, Life Sketches (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1915), p. 248.