Here is a conversation my nephew’s wife had with their 3-year-old son:
Curtis: “Mommy, maybe we can plant chocolate in the garden, and I’ll water it.”
Mommy: “That sounds like a great idea.”
Curtis: “Can we go and plant it right now?”
Mommy: “Well, it’s a little early to plant. What are you going to plant to grow chocolate?”
Curtis: “Flowers from Bi-Mart.”
—Kay Russell, Pacific, Washington
How deep, how dark, the grip of sin,
With not a place to flee.
There wasn’t much to see within,
The focus was on me.
Some hope is what I needed then,
That’s when I heard a hymn.
And then I found the Anchorman,
The focus is on Him!
And now I sing “Amazing Grace,”
What wondrous love I see.
I think about His awesome face,
He gave His life for me!
—Brandon Rittenour, written at 15 years old (2013), via e-mail
Hi, kids! Herald’s trumpet is once again hidden somewhere in this magazine. If you find it, send a postcard or letter telling us where. Be sure to include your name and address! Then we’ll randomly choose three winners.
In our last contest (Oct. 9, 2014) we had eight entries! Our three winners were Gracie Gawley, from Bend, Oregon; Micah Grady, from Dallas, Oregon; and Leah Whitford, from Liberty Center, Ohio. Each received a book. Where was the trumpet? On page 17.
If you can find the trumpet this time, send your postcard to Herald’s Trumpet, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. The prize will be a . . . surprise! Look for the three winners’ names in the March 26, 2015, edition of the Adventist Review. Have fun searching, and keep trumpeting Jesus’ love—and His second coming!
—Pastor Jason Disch [reflecting Warren W. Wiersbe], on October 11, 2014, at the Berkeley Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church in West Virginia