I recently returned from an evangelistic series in Dublin, Ireland. While I was there I was deeply impressed that God sees honest-hearted people in every city of the world that He is leading to a knowledge of His truth. Here are a few examples:
Georgia received a copy of Patriarchs and Prophets, by Ellen White, from someone she did not know. The book deeply impressed her. She looked up the Adventist Church on the Internet and showed up one morning. She continues to study the Bible, seeking further light and truth.
Geraldine dreamed of a beam of light shining through her television and dispelling the darkness of her life. When she received a brochure at her home and discovered I had been a television speaker, she decided to attend our Ancient Discoveries series in Dublin. Today she rejoices in the truths she has discovered and continues seeking more truth.
Chris, a biochemist, was looking for answers regarding creation and evolution. He providentially came across a Seventh-day Adventist preacher on the Internet who convincingly raised serious questions about the evolutionary hypothesis. Today Chris attends the Adventist Church.
What do Georgia, Geraldine, Chris, and so many like them have in common? They were all seekers with honest hearts whom God led in a variety of ways to His church.
I am reminded of this prophetic statement: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chron. 16:9). God sees men and women with honest hearts who may not always appear to have any spiritual interest, but who seek and long for something better. God knows their inmost thoughts and providentially guides them. Let’s be sensitive to God’s leading and receive with welcoming arms those whom God is sending to His church.