In 1988 fitness gear giant Nike launched an extremely successful ad campaign titled “Just Do It” that helped catapult its market share in North America from 18 percent to 43 percent in just one decade.1 Physical fitness became cool—and wearing the right shoes turned into a fashion statement. Top-tier successful athletes wore Nike, and so did anybody else—or, at least, 43 percent of the market.
Twenty-six years later the fitness craze has discovered technology. Apps, wearable gadgets, connected clothing—they all, apparently, are meant to get us moving more consistently. Cardiovascular disease statistics in (mostly) sedentary North America are alarming and are considered by many health professionals the underpinnings of a future epidemic. First Lady Michelle Obama launched the Let’s Move! initiative in response to alarming levels of obesity in children in 2010 and has continued as the face of this important campaign.2 Health has become a point of national conversation.
My wife and I started exercising in a serious way when we got our Fitbit step counter at the end of 2011. Since then I have walked about 12.8 million steps, close to 7,000 miles. If I could walk over water, I would be on my way to Germany—the second time. I just like walking. However, on a cold and rainy morning that passion often feels slightly lukewarm. In the middle of winter, leaving my home at 6:20 a.m. for a three-mile walk around our neighborhood facing icy winds and the occasional snowflake takes willpower—and a partner encouraging you to “just do it.”
Over the past four years we have often heard (and read) the call for revival and reformation.3 As a church family we are committed to seeking God’s presence more earnestly and being transformed by His grace more radically. As part of this initiative we have been reading a chapter from Scripture every day and hope to finish the entire Bible by the General Conference session in San Antonio next year. The Revived by His Word program has touched thousands of Adventists around the world.4 We have covenanted to pray together at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., seven days a week.5 In addition to that, there is still our daily dose from the Bible study guide, and, last but not least, the page from the official daily devotional volume. Plus, we have been encouraged to read several pages every day from The Great Controversy, one of Ellen White’s key volumes focusing upon the cosmic conflict raging behind the scenes of history.
I confess that I feel at times slightly overstretched. I don’t know how much time I would have to exercise or to spend with my family if I were to participate in all church initiatives involving prayer and Bible study. Could it be that our church members may feel overextended doing admirable things? Could it be that in the midst of these initiatives and programs we miss out on opportunities to listen to that still small voice talking to us from Mount Horeb?
That’s where “Just Do It” comes in. Nike’s genius single-mindedness completely transformed the fitness shoe market. “Just Do It” is also helpful in this church’s current experience. Whether you pray at 7:00 a.m. or at 11:00 p.m.—just keep on praying. Whether you read the chapter assigned for today’s Revived by His Word slot or opt to listen to another section from Scripture—just keep on reading. Whether you have been able to read a chapter in The Great Controversy or any other pages from Ellen White’s writings—just keep on reading. The point is: all these initiatives are designed to draw us closer to the One who spoke life into being and inspired His servants to communicate the good news. Today, find your own rhythm—and just do it.