When our sons Tommy and Tyler were 6 and 4 years old, they had very vivid imaginations. They loved listening to Bible stories, especially stories about David. They often pretended to fight the Philistines with their wood-scrap swords and cardboard armor.
One day we took them to an ice-cream shop, and as we walked in they both stared incredulously at a customer who had green and purple hair formed into large spikes on his head. The customer also had rings in his nose, ears, and lips. Suddenly Tyler said in a close-to-terrified voice, “Daddy, is that a Philistine?”
—Jon Dalrymple
Spokane, Washington
My 5-year-old son Zachary had just learned to read. He was reading the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 from an easy-to-read Bible. After he was done, Zachary came to me and said, “Mom, there’s an interesting word in there: dis-kipple-ous.”
“Huh?” I replied. “Let me see.”
Zachary showed me the word, and sure enough, there it was—disciples! Let’s hear it for phonics!
—Michelle Candy
Hong Kong
“Some people like to spell salvation D-O, but Jesus spells it D-O-N-E.”
—Submitted by Necola Grant
New South Wales, Australia
“A God who doesn’t have wrath is a God who doesn’t care.”
—Yvon Caza
an elder in the Ponoka Seventh-day Adventist Church in Alberta, Canada
Millions of people consider The Desire of Ages, Ellen White’s classic volume on the life of Christ, to be their favorite White book. But her most popular book is Steps to Christ, which presents the essentials of basic Christian living. First published in 1892 and since translated into more than 165 languages, tens of millions of copies are in circulation.
—Information from the Ellen G. White Estate, www.whiteestate.org
Have a prayer need? Have a few free minutes? Each Wednesday morning at 8:15 EDT the Adventist Review staff meets to pray for people—children, parents, friends, coworkers. Send your prayer requests and, if possible, pray with us on Wednesday mornings. Send requests to: Let’s Pray, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected].