At the time of this writing, Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai is making the rounds of American prime-time media speaking with, among others, late-night talk show host Jon Stewart, ABC News’ Diane Sawyer, and even President Barack Obama, the first lady, and their two daughters.
If you aren’t familiar with her story, she is the young woman who was nearly fatally shot in the head by the Taliban on her school bus with other female students.
Why? Because she dared to be vocal about how important it is for girls to be educated. Because her father believed it important that his girl have the right to an education. Because she loved learning.
Malala was airlifted to the United Kingdom, where she underwent numerous surgeries and has since made a miraculous recovery. She has not returned home, however, as the Taliban are still vowing to kill her.
In America we are used to hearing our sons and daughters complain about assignments, difficult teachers, and the injustice of having to wake up early to get to school on time. How good do we have it?
And how good do we have it to belong to a movement that places education—for all—high among its most precious values?
I have lately taken to telling my teenage daughter in the midst of a homework-related eye roll to think of Malala and be grateful for what she has.
Until Christ comes again to bring final justice to those who do evil in order to deny others their God-given rights, think of Malala. Be grateful for what you have, and as Christ would, do all that is possible to elevate those who have far less.