I had a little conversation with our son Camden about bedtime one evening. He said that we shouldn’t sing songs (what we usually do for bedtime worship), but just go straight into bedtime stories, because “Mommy has a headache.”
I said to him, “You just don’t want to sing songs, do you?” Camden admitted this was the case because singing takes too long and he wanted to go right into the stories--the best part.
So I asked him, “Why? Worship is great. Jesus is the best part of the day.”
To which he replied, “I hear you, friend.” Funny kid—even if he is trying to work the system.
—Shawn Brace, Bangor, Maine
The Campus Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in Loma Linda, California, has a unique way of announcing sunset times in their bulletin. One of their church members submitted a bulletin from this past summer with the announcement worded this way:
“The blessings of the Sabbath draw to a close at 8:02 p.m. and resume next Friday at 8:03 p.m.”
Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six doctrines: the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life, and last things. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace, and infinite love is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity. To find out more, and to share with others, visit the Adventist Church’s revamped Web site at www.adventist.org/beliefs.
“There is no place safe except where God sends you.”
—Homer Trecartin, during morning worship at the General Conference, October 9, 2013,.
We are looking for brief submissions in these categories:
Sound Bites (quotes, profound or spontaneous)
Adventist Life (short anecdotes, especially from the world of adults)
Camp Meeting Memories (150 words or less)
Jots and Tittles (church-related tips)
Please send your submissions to Give & Take, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected]. Please include phone number, and city and state from which you are writing.