When the church first started, it was like the day of Pentecost or the beginning of the Exodus: everyone came together in one accord and literally heard God speak, and they were able to communicate with others. But over time there have at times been breaks in communication. We live in Judges-like times. Cultures, and subcultures, seem to influence Christians more than Christianity affects individuals.
—Falvo Fowler, Silver Spring, Maryland.
“Pastor J” was being introduced as the guest speaker in a central Texas church one Sabbath. The presiding elder mentioned that it was written in the bulletin that Pastor J had “pastured” in Marshall, Texas, for six years, to which the guest speaker stepped up and quipped, “Well, at least I was not out in the ‘pasture’ as long as Nebuchadnezzar.”
—Helen Johnson, Keene, Texas
Hi, kids! Herald’s trumpet is once again hidden somewhere in this magazine. If you find it, send a postcard telling us where. Be sure to include your name and address! Then we’ll randomly choose three winning postcards.
In our last contest (August 8, 2013) we had 15 entries! Our three winners were Caleb Kim, from Hendersonville, North Carolina; Hannah Scalzo, from New Albany, Ohio; and Christina Wood, from St. Petersburg, Florida. Each received a book from Pacific Press and KidsView putty. Where was the trumpet? On page 10.
If you can find the trumpet this time, send your postcard to Herald’s Trumpet, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. The prize will be a kids’ book! Look for the three winners’ names next year in the January 16, 2014, edition of the Adventist Review. Have fun searching and keep trumpeting Jesus’ love—and His second coming!
“A whole lot of people come close to Jesus, but they never really ever touch Him.”
—Wintley Phipps, March 29, 2012, during the General Conference’s Week of Spiritual Emphasis.