Growing up in the church has advantages and disadvantages. I’m very thankful for the privilege of being raised in a fairly balanced Seventh-day Adventist home. Knowing that Jesus loves me was something I grew up with. But the depth of that love is just now beginning to take hold of my heart.
Somehow through my early years I never heard about “Christ our righteousness.” So “righteousness” was something that I tried to attain by obedience. I know some of my readers can relate to this. It seems a natural human response to think we have to “do something” to “get something.”
Then a pastor friend of mine introduced me to the “1888 message.” For two years I read everything I could on this subject and invited others to join me in this journey. The fog began to lift from my brain, and a warm settling into the truth began to take hold in my heart and life.
In 2010 the Holy Spirit moved on my heart so strongly and led me into the waters for rebaptism, followed by a prayer for the baptism of His Holy Spirit. From that moment on, one interest has consumed my heart and mind; one interest that shapes everything else I do and all that I am becoming; one interest that can only be defined as His agape love. Now I understand why God’s prophet said, “One interest will prevail, one subject will swallow up every other—Christ our righteousness” (Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Dec. 23, 1890).
I’m so thankful to be alive now to see the final movements take place. May we join together in unity to become the loud cry and the glory that will lighten this earth with the victorious agape love of Christ!