I had just taken my grandma to the airport for her flight back to America. She had been visiting to meet her first great-granddaughter. We took the train into Sydney, said our goodbyes, prayed for safe travels, then went our separate ways. On my way back home, I prayed that God would help me meet someone to share the gospel with. The train that day was so crowded there was nowhere to sit. It also felt really weird just to start a random conversation with someone. So I prayed for the right opportunity. After about an hour on the train I stopped and met a friend for lunch. Afterward I boarded another train and kept praying for the right moment to witness.
Almost an hour passed, and I was close to home when an older gentleman offered me the seat right beside him. We didn’t say much at first, but I felt as though this was my opportunity. I noticed him eating a piece of carrot cake, so I mentioned that that was one of my favorite desserts. He laughed, and our conversation began. He soon noticed my American accent and told me about his son who had just got married in San Diego, California. He went on to explain how his son had studied at a Baptist college in America and that his family were all Baptists. I expressed how wonderful it was to have a family who followed Jesus together, and I began to share how I had given my life to Jesus as well.
As we talked, an older woman who had boarded the train at the last stop was looking for a seat. I offered her the seat next to us, but she sat down across the aisle instead. I did not pay much attention to her after that, turning my attention back to the conversation with the man. I explained how I had come to the conclusion that I wanted to follow the Bible to the best of my abilities, and that was why I had become a Seventh-day Adventist. He was very interested in my story, and we exchanged contact details to keep in touch.
As I stood up to get off the train, we shook hands, and I told him I was looking forward to speaking with him again. Just then the woman who had been sitting across the aisle handed the man a brand-new DVD and study guide developed by Amazing Facts. As it turned out, she had been listening to our conversation the whole time.
“I think you will enjoy these,” she told the man, and without saying another word we both got off the train together. I couldn’t help laughing as we stepped onto the loading platform of the station. After introducing ourselves, I learned she was a part-time lecturer at Avondale College. Both she and her husband specialized in Hebrew in the Theology Department there. As she left, I recognized how God had worked everything together.
It was incredible to realize how God heard my prayers and answered them, giving me the best opportunity I could have had to share the gospel with someone. Not only did He create the perfect situation, but brought a fellow believer to sit right beside me to help share the truth. I praise God every time I think about how incredibly He answers our prayers. What an amazing God we serve!