“To pray to have the mind of Christ and needlessly expose ourselves to simulated sin is incongruous and hypocritical.”
—Richard O’Ffill, regarding TV and movie watching in a discussion on his Web site’s forum in 2011; submitted by Kay Russell
Hi, kids! Herald’s trumpet is once again hidden somewhere in this magazine. If you find it, send a postcard telling us where. Be sure to include your name and address! Then we’ll randomly choose three winning postcards.
In our last contest (Feb. 21, 2013) we had 15 entries! Our three winners were Annabelle Harper, from Martinez, Georgia; Olivia Jacobs, from Peru, Maine; and Nathan Ward, from Cleburne, Texas. Each received a book from Pacific Press. Where was the trumpet? On page 19.
If you can find the trumpet this time, send your postcard to Herald’s Trumpet, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. The prize will be . . . a surprise! Look for the three winners’ names in the May 9, 2013, edition of the Adventist Review. Have fun searching and keep trumpeting Jesus’ love—and His Second Coming!
Dreaming with eyes wide open.
Dreaming of a better life, a truer hope.
Dreaming the pain away, the tears dried.
Dreaming my eyes sparkled,
And the Resurrection crossed.
—Karen A. Hurst, Altadena, California
Kalani, my 2 -year-old granddaughter, was to be dedicated Sabbath afternoon. We were driving to a park by the Columbia River, where the “ceremony” was to take place, as Kalani’s aunt Alyssa explained what we were going to do. “We are going to ask Jesus to be your best friend,” she said.
Later, as Kalani was riding on my shoulders back to the car she remarked, “I married Jesus.”
—Mickey Rana, Brewster, Washington
When I was growing up in the 1980s, church constituency meetings were three hours away by car, and in our very small church it was often one of my parents who would make that trip with another church member. Sometimes a sibling or I would also attend, with coloring book in tow. The long drive, longer meetings, and drive home were worth it to us for the lunch the constituents were served. What was this great menu? A paper lunch bag with a mayonnaise and Worthington turkey slice sandwich, Little Debbie dessert snack, and an individual-sized Sunny Delight. Having a meal such as this is still such a treat for me to this day, despite the great home-cooked food we grew up with and still eat!
—Gennifer Anderson, Oakdale, California