My friend Lori has been battling life-threatening health issues for quite some time. She has bad days and not-quite-so-bad days, but in the face of daunting challenges her humor, optimism, and faith in God never seem to waver. She finds courage in the Lord’s blessings—both big and small—and her heart is open to the many evidences of God’s love. One of those evidences, she says, is her 11-year-old cat, Chloe.
Lori has been finding emotional and spiritual comfort in playing hymns alone on her piano, sometimes humming along with the music. She soon began to notice, though, that Chloe enjoys the music too.
“As I start to play, Chloe will come and sit on the recliner next to the piano, then lie down and close her eyes for the whole time I’m playing,” Lori says. “It’s almost as if the tone of the music strikes a chord deep within even animals in a way that is their own connection to the Creator.”
Chloe, it seems, is never far away when Lori is feeling particularly ill, “always hovering nearby” as if to be close to her.
“She loves to sleep upstairs in her bed by the heater, but lately she stays close by, as if to be sure I’m OK,” Lori says. “She’s such a comfort and blessing to me. I’m looking forward to Jesus explaining to us just how intelligent and intuitive His precious animals really are.”
God shows His love and care for us in countless ways. He assures us that “His heart of love is touched by our sorrows” and that “nothing that in any way concerns our peace is too small for Him to notice.”*
Let’s always be open to the messages He sends us, perhaps even through an 11-year-old cat. n
* Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1956), p. 100.