We are looking for brief submissions in these categories:
Sound Bites (quotes, profound or spontaneous)
Adventist Life (short anecdotes, especially from the world of adults)
Camp Meeting Memories (short, humorous and/or profound anecdotes)
Favorite (Church) Family Photos (must be high resolution min. 1000 px JPEGs)
Please send your submissions to Give & Take, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected]. Please include phone number, and city and state from which you are writing.
What is your favorite? Here are the top five Bible translations (based on both dollar sales and unit sales):
New International Version
King James Version
New Living Translation
New King James Version
English Standard Version
—This information, from Christian Booksellers Association (CBA; www.cbaonline.org/nm/documents/BSLs/Bible_Translations.pdf), is based on a list of actual sales in Christian retail stores in the United States through December 29, 2012.
The earthquake in Haiti was all over the news. My husband and I were discussing how much we could give to help the relief. We asked our boys if they would like to give anything to help the children in Haiti. Our youngest son disappeared. A while later he reappeared holding his bank. “Did you decide to give something?” we asked.
“Yes,” he responded. “Can I please give it all?”
I often think of how different our church and our world would be if instead of calculating what to give we just gave our all.
—LeAnn Austin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
At church one Sabbath my 3-year-old niece, Keira, asked Grandma for some juice. After she drank her apple juice, she snuggled next to Grandma and asked, “Can I have some disciple juice?”
“Water?” Grandma guessed.
“No, disciple juice,” insisted Keira. Then Grandma remembered that Communion had been held the previous Sabbath and that she had explained to Keira how Jesus and the disciples ate bread and drank grape juice together.
“Oh, you want grape juice?” said Grandma.
“Yes, grape juice,” Keira affirmed.
—Melanie Beaulieu, Berrien Springs, Michigan
“Jesus gives more than the breath that gives us life.”
—David Waddington, in regard to John 3:16, 17, during his October 13, 2012, sermon at the Cherry Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey