Giving Light to Our World—GLOW—is an outreach initiative in multiple NAD conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out, free of charge, at every opportunity. Here are two short stories of lives touched by GLOW:
A hairdresser in California found two pieces of literature addressing the topic of Sabbath in two different places. After she found the second one she wondered whether it might be a sign from God, so she prayed and asked the Lord to somehow give her one more piece of literature on that subject if she was supposed to learn more about the Sabbath. Not long after, a person distributing literature in Fresno handed her a GLOW tract—the topic was the seventh-day Sabbath. The woman broke into tears. She soon called the GLOW office number listed on the tract and signed up for Bible studies. She recently was baptized and now stocks her local Adventist church with GLOW tracts.
A husband and wife who own a small store in which they sell wholesome, healthful bread placed a rack filled with GLOW tracts near the front of their store. One day two customers who at first looked like they were going to buy some bread instead expressed interest in the tracts. “When we go on walks, we like to give out religious literature door to door,” they told the store owners. “These GLOW tracts will be great to distribute.” The store owners said the customers inspired them to be faithful and to let their “light” shine more fully at every opportunity.
Stories compiled by Central California Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To learn more about GLOW, go to