DENNIS SAND: Our dear heavenly Father, I want to thank You for the opportunity You give us to be here together as one church. Lord, You have brought us from many places of the world, and You have a purpose, and we have a mission. As we meet this afternoon to deal with the business of Your church, help us to keep us focused; help us to remember the mission that You have given us, and help us, Father, to be united as one body. We want to finish the work that You have given us, and we want to go home soon to live with You forever. Be the leader of this meeting, Father. We ask all this in the precious and glorious name of Jesus. Amen.
BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you for that fine music. We are really treated here at the General Conference session with wonderful musicians from all around the world.
Well, the caucuses have finished their work, and in just a few moments we will see the results of those caucuses. Our technicians believe they have solved the voting device problem. I think we can move forward.
OK. We’ve gathered here now with the results of the caucuses. And the people in Secretariat have the names put on the screen. And you’ll have a chance to read down through those names from the various divisions, and then we will take a motion to approve this group as the Nominating Committee. So just take a few moments to review these names as they’re paged through.
OK. I have one——first of all, let’s get the motion on the floor. Is there a motion to approve this list of names as the Nominating Committee?
It’s moved.
I hear a second.
GINA BROWN: My question is the gender breakdown of the committee.
[Questions were asked about the gender breakdown.]
JULIO MENDEZ: I’m suggesting to the Secretariat that if you take time for the Secretariat to segregate who are men and women, who are old and young, maybe we would request the representatives coming from the different divisions and organizations who will compose the Nominating Committee just to stand. And then we will identify how many men and how many women, and we can also identify whether they are young or once young, and then we will know the composition of the Nominating Committee.
BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you. I do have some numbers here for you; and that is that there are 218 male members of the proposed Nominating Committee and 34 female members of the Nominating Committee, for a total of 252.
We also have the age numbers here. Five under 30. Ten are between 30 and 39; 63 are between 40 and 49. One hundred two are between 50 and 59. Six are 70-plus. Sixty-six are in their 60s.
RAY HARTWELL: There was no constitutional or bylaw provision mandating any kind of age or gender in regard to the makeup of the Nominating Committee. So while I’m very sympathetic——very sympathetic——to the issue that was raised, I do believe that there was nothing given to the caucuses to specify that they needed to have a specific age or gender.
Henceforth, Mr. Chairman, I move the previous question.
BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We have a second. That kind of motion does not allow for discussion, and so we must go directly to the vote, moving the previous question.
That means that we cease debate and discussion.This motion is to determine if you want to close debate.
OK. Let’s try the voting devices. If you are in favor of the closing of debate, please indicate by pressing number 1 at the proper time. And if you do not want to close debate, press number 2.
We are about ready. The time clock will begin.
You can now vote.
You have 20 seconds yet to finish voting.
Time is about up.
OK. Yes. We have more people voting this time, 962 versus 71. So we are closing debate. And we will vote on the original motion to accept the names that have been presented before us as members of the Nominating Committee.
[The membership of the Nominating Committee was voted.]
Now I want to give some instructions to those who are members of the Nominating Committee. Please listen carefully. If your name is on that list and you’re a member of the Nominating Committee, as soon as we adjourn this session you need to go to room KL, which is in the back corner to my left, your right. And that is the room where the Nominating Committee will do its work, and you need to go there for some preliminary information.
And at 9:00 p.m., after the evening program, there will be an organizational meeting for those of you who are members of the Nominating Committee. So please remember those two times. As soon as we adjourn go to that room. Second, at 9:00 p.m. you will have an organizational meeting so that you can get started tomorrow morning.
That is the end of our agenda for this afternoon. I thank you for all your participation, and we would like to close this meeting with a benediction.
SHOKU TSUJI: Let us all stand for prayer.
[Praying in native language.]
BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you. Have a good supper, and please be back here for the evening program. You won’t want to miss it.
Proceedings Editors
60th General Conference Session July 2, 2015, 4:30 p.m.
VOTED, To end discussion on the Nominating Committee Appointment.
VOTED, To appoint the following as members of the standing Nominating Committee for the 2015 General Conference Session:
Abali, Comfort Abraham, Raju Acevedo del Villar, Cesario Akombwa, Harrington Altink, Willem Alvarado Benavides, Washington Alyeksyeyenko, Viktor Annan-Nunoo, Christopher Arciniegas Naranjo, Yovany Arco, Stanley Aromaki, J Kalervo Asekun-Olarimoye, Esther Asoy, Leonardo Assembe Minyono, Valere Assienin, Salomon Badu, James Baildam, John Baliki, Aho Baloyo, Rudy Bana, Abel Anak Barnes, Clare Barnett, Ed Battle Brooks, Renee Beckett, John R Bezares Lopez, Magdalena Bindas, Stephen Biscaro, Reynaldo Brandão, Alijofran Brill, Debra Brink, Penelope L Brown, Everett Brown, Kabelo Buor, Daniel Burgos, Victor Burt, Christine Byilingiro, Hesron Byrd, Carlton Caceres Lungo, Alvaro Caicedo Solis, Juan Calderon Miranda, Irving Calvo Manso, Jesus Cano, Ramiro Caporal, Pierre Cardoso, Antonio Castillo, Ernest Castillo, Ismael Catane, Agapito Cecil, Germaine Cerdá, Marcelo Cesano, M Gabriel Chekelek, Nikolay Choga, Micah Costa, Myrna Cruz, Deola Culmore, Wayne Danso-Abeam, Kwaku De Abreu, Ruben De Gracia, Jose de Lima, Jose de Sousa, Domingos Dina, Uwankwera Ditta, Michael Doss, Cheryl Duffy, Jonathan |
Dulan, Garland Espinoza, Tomas Folkenberg, Robert Fournier, Frank Frederick, Roderick Galeon, Bienvenido Jr. Galusha, Dale Garcia Arroyo, Ever Gayoba, Francisco Gerard, Karasira Gill Krug, Carlos Golay, James Gollakoti, Nageshwar Rao Graham, Ricardo Grassl, Christian Guerrero, Alvaro Hachalinga, Passmore Handysides, Allan R Hart, Richard Heidinger Zevallos, Edward Heinrich, Gene Henry, Bertie Henry, Clerveus Anneus Herinirina, Jasmin Houghton, Daniel Inada, Yutaka Jadhav, Ramesh Jagadhane, Vijay Jacob James, Kaggya Jennah ep. Poligadoo, Nicole Jennah, David Jernigan, Don Jiao, Wang Xin (Daniel) Johannsson, Johann Johnson, Leonard Johnson, Mark Johnson, Vivian Jonas, Carlos Kalbermatter, Ignacio Kampen, Inna Kemp, Bradley Kenaope, Kenaope Kim, Dae Sung Kim, Daesong Kim, SiYoung King, Donald King, Luis Kisile Mikuo, Olive Klingbeil, Chantal Knight, G. Earl Kook, Shurman Krasilnikov, Igor Kulakov, Victor Kuyama, Frackson Kwanin, Kwame Kwegelah, Daud Kyte, Robert Lakra, Ezras Larmie, Samuel Laurent, Max-Rene Lazaro Carballo, Benjamin Lee, Myun Ju Lee-Nam, Young Ja Lekundayo, Godwin |
Lemon, Thomas Letseli, Tankiso Licite, Aira Lima, Mauricio Livesay, Don Lopes, Marlinton Lozano, Leonel Luxton, Andrea Lyan, Kelly Maangi, Jonathan Maena, Kenneth Majoi, Jose Mallikarjunaiah, Ravindra Shankar Mambu, Amelius Tommy Marques, Jose Martinelli, Mario Maruta, Alemu Mawa, Clement Mbayo, Maloba Mendez, Julio Moacir da Silva, Moises Mok, Joshua Moldovanu, Andrei Moore, Larry Moorooven, Hensley Morel, Hubert Moses, Garikapati Moyo, Makhosiwonke Muchanga, Girimoio Mueller, Anne-May Muhune, Robert Munteanu, Cristian Munyangabe, Emmanuel Munyumbwe, Vanny Musema, Noah Musija, Zlatko Mutero, Andrew Mwakalonge, Magulilo Naether, Johannes Navarro Perez, Ignacio Nebblett, Natasha Nsabiyaremye, Jethron Nyaga, Frederick Obando, Abimael Ocsai, Tamas Odibo, Chioma Omari, Stella Ostrovski, Moisei Ott, Rubin Oyeleke, Owolabi P, Antony Patrick Pacheco, Abel Pacheco, Manuel Palacio, Julio Panayotov, Ventsislav Paris, Stefano Pavlik, Mikulas Peranginangin, Joseph Perez Reyes, Aldo Perez, Carmen Pinto, Luis Mario Pollard, Leslie Pomaleu, Geoffrey Porto, Volnei |
Proffitt, Kathryn Pusey, Dexter Queiroz, Geovani Rambob, Gaddam Ramos Lagos, Adan Randriamampionona, Joseph Parfait Redondo Ramirez, Edgar Reyna, Moises Rice, Leigh Ricketts, Alyssa Roberts, Randall Lee Rodrigues, Antonio Rodriguez Muniz, Jose Rodriguez, Josney Roger, Guy Romanov, Vladimir Romero, Daniel Rono, Philip Roshchupkin, Aleksandr Ruiz, Wilfredo Sakul, Noldy Sanchez Ruiz, Jose Sanchez Umanzor, Victor Sangoma, Ireen Santiago, Leonino Santos, José Schwarz, Alexander Shimada, Masumi Siburian, Esron Siguelnitzky, Dario Silva, Helder Slusher, Dennis Smith, Ron St Pierre, Mathias Stanley, Chester Swaminathan, Karunakaran Taraniuk, Zhan Tegene, Fesaha Thangavelu, Jeyaraj Thason, Samuel Thomas, Ben Tobias, Kern Tomei, Milagros Torkelsen, Max Torres de Dios, Tomas Tostes, Antonio Townend, Glenn Trajkovski, Djordje Trecartin, Homer Udoh, Bassey Vega Ramirez, Ruth Velasco, Rabi Wanitschek, Rainer Weigley, Dave Will, Evelyn Winston, William Wlodarczyk, Zofia Zahn, Gilmar Zimik, Barnabas Zinke, E Edward |