Tim Ponder’s article, “How Much Do the Games Cost?” (Jan. 23, 2014),
was great. I feel the need to enlarge on some of the issues mentioned.
A person watching games like
that is giving tacit approval to something Ellen White stated that Satan
invented, as well as to the unconscionable salaries paid to some of the
players. My February 2, 2014 newspaper stated that Percy Harvin, a leading player
for the Seattle Seahawks, had signed a six-year contract that guaranteed $25
million, but could give him up to $67 million.
It also gives tacit approval
to the often scantily clad cheerleaders and to the many hours it takes to watch
a game. George Knight stated in his book Myths
in Adventism, “Spectatorism is one of the most serious diseases of modern
society” and is “the antithesis of Christian concern and action” (p. 225).
For a number of years I have
noted in the Review, either in
articles or letters to the editor, mention of favorite teams or sports. Are
these the things that should be taking up the time and thoughts of the
followers of Jesus? In the book Fundamentals
of Christian Education is this statement, “I cannot find an instance in the
life of Christ where He devoted time to play and amusement. He was the great
Educator for the present and the future life” (p. 229). Ellen White recognized
the propriety of play for children. We have to study her writings to find the
proper balance for all of us on this issue.
Place, Washington
As I read Wilona Karimabadi’s editorial,
“Of Faith and Football” (Jan. 23, 2014), it seemed to condone the watching of
football, which I had not been able to do for years in good conscience, because
of the brutality.
Tim Ponder’s
article revived my faith in the Review.
G. Hartman
the World
As chairman of the board for Instituto de Disseminação do
Evangelho (Gospel Outreach for Brazil), I was happy to read “Into All The
World” by Kevin Waite (Jan. 23, 2014).
I fell in love with this
organization and its volunteers, during my summers in College Place,
Washington. I’ve tried to translate some materials in Portuguese for Brazil,
was a member of the board for a while, and am now helping the United States and
Canada to reach nearly 3 billion people in the 10/40 window who don’t know
As General Conference
President Ted N. C. Wilson said, these national workers know the language and
the culture and can start immediately sharing the gospel in their countries. India
has about 500 indigenous workers and has become one of the largest countries in
IDE-GO Brazil is also
reaching Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa and un-entered areas of the
Amazon region. The General Conference and the South American Division are
supporting this ministry and we pray, like India, that we can reach many
families with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Dan Preas, Gospel Outreach
president said 75 percent of the baptisms in many areas of the 10/40 window are
credited to the 2,000 Bible workers of Gospel Outreach.
Regarding “Evangelism, Development Highlight 2014 GYC Event”
(Jan. 23, 2014): It was refreshing to read about the 2014 GYC Event. It was not
refreshing to see photos of our top leaders, namely General Conference
President Ted Wilson and Review
editor Bill Knott, attired in their usual shirt and tie. That is so old school.
We have to “lighten up” when
dealing with young people. Our church focuses a lot of attention on retaining
our youth. This would be a great jumping off place to think casual when addressing youth conventions such as the 2014 GYC
Hudson Strachan
Chris Blake’s article, “In Christ There Is Neither Conservative
nor Liberal” (Jan. 16, 2014), was much appreciated.
It seems that sometimes
we are labeled as both, depending on who is doing the labeling. Some would
label us “legalistic” because we keep the Sabbath (that’s even worse than
“conservative”). Some Adventists label me a “liberal” because I eat fish once
in a while. Or because I do some other little thing they think is sinful
because they don’t do it.
I see no difference in
labeling or judging. And we all know what Jesus said about judging (Matt.
7:1-5)! He had more to say about that than He did about some other sins. Jesus
told us to love others, even our enemies, and not to judge them.
Maybe more of our
young people would stay in the church if there was more love instead of
criticism. Maybe if we loved everyone in our churches and judged no one,
regardless of their background or past failures, Jesus would come sooner.
Regarding “In Christ There Is Neither Conservative nor Liberal”
(Jan. 16, 2014): What an article!
It reminded me of an
interview I had for a pastoral district about 15 years ago. I was asked, “Are
you a liberal or a conservative?”
I replied, “I’m a
progressive. I believe in making progress toward a goal.”
That seemed to satisfy
the questioner and I got the call.
Now the word
“progressive” seems to have a bad connotation in political circles, and I don’t
know why.
–Ertis L.
Elk City,
“Going Somewhere” (Dec. 26, 2013) struck a cord with me because
I, too, had a grandmother who was diagnosed with dementia. She passed in 2001.
The experiences described echoed my own. Those experiences affect us and change
us, and I’m glad Kimberly Luste Maran able to derive a positive message from
such an experience.
Mountain, Georgia