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May 30
Emergency Care Simulator Brings Excitement, Training Opportunities
Ares Emergency Care Manikin is a game-changer at Adventist Health institution.
Adventist Health Howard Memorial Hospital, and Adventist Review
May 30
Adventist TV Caravan Promotes Health Fair, Drives Outreach Initiative in Brazil
Novo Tempo TV–led event reaches two cities, connects with audience in the north.
Gabriela Frontini, South American Division, and Adventist Review
May 30
Montemorelos University Team Wins International Business Simulation Final
Students in the challenge had to make decisions based on principles of business ethics.
Laura Marrero and Inter-American Division News
May 29
Church Leaders Ordain First Adventist Minister on the Island of Bonaire
Jurvensly Koots currently serves as the secretary of the Bonaire Mission.
Pablo Lake and Inter-American Division News
May 29
From Sunday-keeping Religious Leaders to Committed Adventists
Three lay pastors and elders in Papua New Guinea share their story.
Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review
May 29
Life-Saving Triclip Heart Device Now Offered at Adventist Health Glendale
Adventist hospital is one of the first in California to successfully implant the heart device.
Adventist hospital is one of the first in California to successfully implant the heart device.
May 28
Escrito Está, the Spanish-language Ministry of It Is Written, Marks 30 Years
It was created to reach people in North America but has grown to other world regions.
Cassie Matchim Hernandez and Carolina Bonilla, It Is Written
May 28
Brazil’s ‘Orange May’ Highlights Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children
Adventist Church manages a home that shelters vulnerable children and adolescents.
Jefferson Braun, South American Division, and Adventist Review
May 28
North American Division’s Adventist Information Ministry Goes West
AIM evangelism contact center for media ministries keeps growing.
Christelle Agboka, North American Division News, and Adventist Review
May 27
In Bolivia, Southern Adventist University Students Catch a Vision of Service
Mission trip brings them to serve an orphanage and its surrounding community.
Southern Adventist University
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