Highlights of Restructuring Plan

restructuring plan approved on June 17 by the constituencies of Pacific Press
Publishing Association (PPPA) and the Review and Herald Publishing Association
(RHPA) call for the following:

  • PPPA
    will become an institution of the North American Division and serve as the
    division’s base for its publishing program. This is accomplished by
    constituency-approved amendments to the governance documents that define a new
    division-based constituency and a re-composition of the PPPA board.
  • PPPA
    will continue to function from Nampa, Idaho, until such time as the North
    American Division determines otherwise.
  • RHPA
    will remain a General Conference institution.
  • RHPA
    will move from Hagerstown, Maryland, to the General Conference office in Silver
    Spring, Maryland.
  • The
    RHPA office at the General Conference will require minimal staffing, if any,
    since editors of General Conference publications are already employees of the General
  • RHPA
    will function as the publisher for current General Conference publications and
    as the publisher for designated new products originating from the General
    Conference and intended for global use.
  • RHPA
    will arrange for the printing, production and, where necessary, distribution of
    materials published by the General Conference. Normally this will be done
    through the North American Division publishing house, PPPA, as long as it
    operates a production facility that can perform the work at competitive costs.
  • Printing/production and fulfillment services currently done by RHPA will be
    phased out.
  • PPPA
    will accept responsibility for the printing/production and fulfillment services
    required by both the North American Division and the General Conference as a
    result of the phase-out of such services at Hagerstown, Maryland.
  • Ownership and control of RHPA’s intellectual property will be retained by RHPA
    with provisions for use by PPPA.
  • Current RHPA employees who are necessary for the continued publishing of
    products serving the North American Division may become employees of PPPA.
  • Current RHPA employees whose services are no longer required as a result of the
    restructuring arrangement will receive termination settlements.
  • The
    physical assets of RHPA (land, buildings, equipment, inventory) or proceeds
    from their sale or disposal will become assets of PPPA, subject to any existing
    liabilities or indebtedness.

Source: Restructuring plan drafted by the General Conference and
North American Division and approved by the RHPA and PPPA constituencies on
June 17.

Contact Adventist
Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].
Twitter: @ARMcChesney
