Share With Us
We are looking for brief submissions in these categories:
Sound Bites (quotes, profound or spontaneous)
Adventist Life (short anecdotes, especially from the world of adults)
Jots and Tittles (church-related tips)
Camp Meeting Memories (short, humorous and/or profound anecdotes)
Please send your submissions to Give & Take, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected]. Please include phone number, and city and state from which you are writing.
Think About It
From a 1969 Guideposts magazine:
“For fast relief, take two tablets.” These words are shown directly above two tablets of stone depicting the Ten Commandments.
—Terry Robinson, Hendersonville, North Carolina
Sound Bite
“Eternity is not off in the distance, to be experienced someday in heaven with harps and halos and fluffy white clouds. Forever includes this day, this ‘now.’ And no moment in the kingdom of God is to be squandered.”
—A. Allan Martin, at Younger Generation church in Arlington, Texas, August 2012
Adventist Life
I traveled a lot when I served in the Education Department of the North American Division. One day I was traveling from Atlanta, Georgia, to Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was in my seat and settling down to read a book when a young woman sat down in the seat next to me. I could tell she was anxious, and as we taxied down the tarmac, she grabbed on to the armrests and held on tight. As her hands turned white I looked at her and asked if she was concerned about something. With eyes wide open and staring straight ahead, she said, “This is the first time I have ever been on a plane, and I am scared to death.”
The plane took off, and the wheels came up with a bang. She grabbed my arm and asked, “What’s that?” I explained, and she relaxed a little. We chatted a bit, and I told her she didn’t have to worry in the least—everything would be fine, and we would arrive safely. She looked me in the eye and asked, “How can you say that?”
I told her that I worked for Jesus Christ, and He was sending me to a meeting to deliver a message to a group of people waiting for me to arrive. Since He was sending me, He would make sure I would arrive safely and on time. And since I was going to make it, she would also make it. This led us to have an interesting conversation regarding Christ and the angels who watch over us. Some might say I spoke presumptuously. Maybe I did, but it seemed appropriate at the time.
As we started to land, she grew anxious again and grabbed my arm. Once we taxied to a stop at the gate, she let go of my arm and smiled sheepishly at me. We stood and gathered our things, and as she started to walk away, she suddenly turned back to me and asked, “What day are you going back?”
—Don L. Weatherall, Lilburn, Georgia