August 28, 2012

Delightful Indirection

Have you ever wondered how to go about reaching unbelievers? How do you spread the gospel truth without being overbearing, or sounding too “preachy”? Chad and Fadia Kreuzer from Anchor Point Films have answered the imperative of Matthew 28:19—“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (KJV)—in a way many haven’t thought of.

The Kreuzers began their ministry with more traditional community-based evangelism, and continue leading public series, even as their primary effort has moved toward video production. For eight consecutive years the couple did evangelism full-time, working hands-on with people who inspired their Overcoming Seminar, a seminar series aimed at helping participants overcome destructive habits. Now a seven-part DVD series, the seminar is presented at schools, churches, and camp meetings. Each evangelistic meeting is followed by the Overcoming Seminar, at which both Adventists and others attend, and participants are not required to share their personal challenges in the group setting.

Recognizing the vastly wider reach of high-quality media, the Kreuzers have increasingly focused more on sharing biblical prophecy and scriptural truths through videos patterned after the documentary features found on the History Channel. Archival film, reenactments, and interviews with experts draw the viewer into topics that might not have been initially chosen, broadening the reach of the messages the Kreuzers feel compelled to share. Chad and Fadia’s Scripture Mysteries documentary series aims to reach the unbeliever who is attracted to well-produced, historically accurate information.

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TOGETHER ON THE JOURNEY: Chad and Fadia Kreuzer of Anchor Point Films work to “come alongside” unbelievers with compelling historical documentaries.

Together on the Journey: Chad and Fadia Kreuzer of Anchor Point Films work to "come alongside" unbelievers with compelling historical documentaries.But there’s a major difference between their work and most of the films aired on the History or Discovery channels.  Chad says these videos are “giving a reason to believe in God, to believe in the Bible, and our message. Although you wouldn’t know it, this
is a series put on by Seventh-day Adventists.” 

The videos feature archaeologists, theologians, and historians sharing their perspectives and expertise on a selected topic. Six videos have been produced thus far. The first offers viewers credible reasons for believing in the historical accuracy of the Bible; the second explores the history of Jesus; and the third deals with the classic “theodicy” question: “If God is so loving, why is there so much pain and suffering?” Video four focuses on the perpetuity of God’s law and its purpose, while the fifth taps current fascination about the antichrist.  The most recently produced film is the Kreuzers’ treatment of the Sabbath—aimed at the viewer who may have little or no acquaintance with the idea of a holy day of rest.

There’s a deliberate “indirection” about these films.  Chad says, “These videos aren’t records of someone preaching.  What it feels like when you’re watching is that you seem to be eavesdropping in on these guys’ conversations. You hear the historian; you hear the archaeologist; you hear the theologian. And they’re sharing this, but they’re not even looking at the screen. It feels like they’re talking to somebody else, and you just get to listen in on that. And so it’s not threatening, but it’s still sharing our message.”

For the success Anchor Point Films has seen, Chad and Fadia Kreuzer humbly credit the Lord, noting that they are simply following where He called them in this unique ministry. Fadia adds, “I just tell people to put Him first: do the things that are before you, and He’ll open the door as you never imagined.”

This article was published August 9, 2012.
