Sound Bites
“Notice that when we pray, we are not informing God of any need we have (He knows) or convincing God to give us anything we need. We are in prayer, in an act of spiritual warfare against the [evil] powers.”
—Herb Montgomery, from his sermon entitled “What About Prayer?” AS part of a series called “The Jesus Dialogue,” given in Hawaii in 2012
Adventist Life
After a recent Communion service in our small church, I was seated in a front pew counting the offering. Most of the other church members were at the rear of the church preparing to go downstairs for fellowship dinner. I heard a noise and happened to glance toward the table that held the leftover Communion bread and wine. Our youngest member, who was 5, was just downing the last glass of wine and saw me looking at him. He was enjoying himself so much! He licked his lips and said, “This is really good!”
He’d been caught. I had a chuckle and wonder if God did too.
—Kay Cote, Dillon, Montana
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, at the Detroit Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church midweek Bible study and prayer meeting, Pastor Jim Howard was leading out in a study of Mark 8:35-37, regarding Jesus’ comment about “whoever wants to save their life will lose it.” After reading the text, Howard then made a comment that was deep, profound, and truthful when he remarked: “Jesus talked about things that mattered.”
—Richard Lane, Livonia, Michigan
Readers may remember many, many years ago when church bulletins were laboriously typed onto a stencil and printed on a mimeograph machine. We had a dear sister who performed this task faithfully, but her typing left something to be desired.
Church members would get their bulletin and sit down, and one could hear titters ripple across the congregation as they read their bulletin. At that time Dirk Zinner was associate pastor, and he was often typed in as “Pastor Sinner.” Another time I recall an announcement that on the subsequent Sabbath there would be a baptism of “six precious souls who had been broken on the Rack.” This elicited much amusement among the members but must have somewhat alarmed the visitors.
—Wendy James-Veitch, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Let’s Pray
Have a prayer need? Have a few free minutes? Each Wednesday morning at 8:15 EDT the Adventist Review staff meets to pray for people—children, parents, friends, coworkers. Send your prayer requests and, if possible, pray with us on Wednesday mornings. Send requests to: Let’s Pray, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected].