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We are looking for brief submissions in these categories:
Sound Bites (profound or spontaneous)
Adventist Life (short anecdotes, especially from the world of adults)
Jots and Tittles (church-related tips)
Camp Meeting Memories (short, humorous, and/or profound anecdotes)
Please send your submissions to Give & Take, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected]. Please include phone number, city, and state from which you are writing.
Sound Bite
“The reason you were created is to grow to resemble, reflect, and reveal the character of Christ to the world.”
—Wintley Phipps, on March 28 in Silver Spring, Maryland, during the General Conference’s 2012 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
Adventist Life
Beware the deacon on duty!
How our church managed before Chuck came along is hard to tell. But once all the chairs had been stacked and the tables cleaned after a fellowship dinner this past March, my husband asked, “Chuck, have you ever been ordained as a deacon?”
As a small company, we have a leader, but no one else held an official church office. We all do what it takes to make our light shine in our community.
Chuck was baptized more than a year ago. Every week he has been opening the building, putting on the heat, and building a log fire. He hangs the sign over the railings outside and sets out everything for the meals, which have become an every-other-Sabbath activity.
“No, I don’t think I have,” he replied. Then with a broad grin he added, “But if it involves wearing a big badge and carrying a Taser, I am all for it.”
He went on. “Are you coming to church this week?” he said to an imaginary person. “You’re not? Zaaaaaap!” He rocked with laughter as we chuckled!
That sort of outreach just might work well in our community. Perhaps Chuck is ready to be ordained as a deacon right now!
—Tabitha Abel, Chiloquin, Oregon
I was reading my 4-year-old granddaughter a bedtime story about Noah and the ark. When I got to the part about Noah having three sons, Eden interrupted me and said, “I know the names of those boys. Now, don’t help me, Grammy. Let’s see, their names were . . . Jacob, Arnold, and Cain, right?”
Taken aback, I stuttered, “Well, those are definitely boys’ names. But I think Noah’s three sons were more often called Ham, Shem, and Japheth.”
Eden looked at me as if not quite convinced. Since then she has learned to read and now knows the facts for herself.
—Carolyn Sutton, Phil Campbell, Alabama
This article was published May 10, 2012.