April 23, 2012

Etc. At Rest

ALSAYBAR, Josefa—b. Nov. 19, 1921, Philippines; d. Oct. 18, 2011, Avon Park, Fla. She was a denominational teacher in the Philippines. She is survived by two daughters, Dulce Tangunan and Cora Alsaybar; and three grandchildren.
BELCHER, Anna B.—b. Mar. 5, 1920, Norfolk, Va.; d. Feb. 22, 2012, Burtonsville, Md. She served as registrar, Mount Vernon Academy; secretary of admissions, Washington Missionary College; and executive assistant, Adventist Risk Management. She is survived by one son, Lee; one daughter, Marthanne Glenn; and a sister, Mabel Cowling.
BROWN, Mary Marilyn—b. May 1, 1926, Sioux City, Iowa; d. Feb. 13, 2012, Lincoln, Nebr. She taught at Canadian Union College, Antillean Union College, and Union College.
BURTON, Wilbur A.—b. Mar. 20, 1931, Okla.; d. Dec. 5, 2011. He served as a teacher/principal in the Idaho Conference, and as a missionary in Guam, Palau, Japan, and Vietnam. He later served as education superintendent, pastor, and youth and trust services director in the Kansas-Nebraska Conference. He is survived by his wife, Esther Louise; one son, Reginald; and three daughters, Mary, Joy, and Wilma.
DIRKSEN, Michael E.—b. Feb. 1, 1952, Hutchinson, Kans.; d. Jan. 25, 2012, Kans. He served as food service director at Enterprise, Oklahoma, and Platte Valley academies. He also served at Black Hills Health and Education Center in South Dakota and Eden Valley in Colorado. He is survived by his mother, Mildred Dirksen; his wife, Linda; two sons, Bryan and Bradley; two daughters, Stacey Parker and Kammi Dirksen; a sister, Deanna Mizer; and three grandchildren.
HARRIS, Lester E., Jr.—b. June 4, 1922, Washington, D.C.; d. Feb. 1, 2012, King and Queen Court House, Va. He served as a biology professor at Washington Adventist University, La Sierra University, and Middlesex High School in Virginia. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marjorie. He is survived by two sons, Lester “Jay” III and Charles; two daughters, Deborah and Julia; and a brother, Richard.
MCMILLAN, Betty Jo.—b. July 22, 1924, Atlanta, Ga.; d. Dec. 11, 2011, Knoxville, Tenn. She taught in church schools in Georgia; Tennessee; Virginia; and Maryland. She also taught in Maxwell Adventist Academy in Kenya. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert. She is survived by one son, Charles; three daughters, Sally Fields, Susan Cross, Cindy Rhodes; and five grandchildren.
PERRAULT, Joanne G.—b. Jan. 4, 1944, St. Paul, Minn.; d. Jan. 1, 2012, Lincoln, Nebr. She taught at College View Academy for 38 years. After her retirement she worked at the Adventist Book Center in Lincoln, Nebraska.
RITTENHOUSE, Harvey L.—b. Dec. 8, 1918, Tacoma, Wash.; d. Feb. 11, 2012, Sterling, Mass. He served as a surgeon at Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica, and took short-term appointments as a relief doctor for mission hospitals in Africa and Central America. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia-Gene. He is survived by a brother, Robert.
WATTS, Lois May (Shepherdson)—
b. May 25, 1919, Kirksville, Mo.; d. Nov. 13, 2011, Loma Linda, Calif. She and her husband were conference workers in Kansas, Missouri, and Southeastern California, and served as missionaries in Okinawa, Japan. She is survived by her husband, Carl; one son, Howard; one daughter, Kit; and two grandchildren.
WRIGHT, Kenneth A., Jr.—b. Union Springs, N.Y.; d. Sept. 11, 2011, Winchester, Va. He worked for the Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast. He also served in the Arizona, Mountain View, and Wisconsin conferences, Bass Memorial Academy, Pakistan Union, and General Conference Treasury. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; one son, Kenneth III; one daughter, Sharon; and one brother, Burton.
This article was published April 26, 2012.
