April 28, 2012

World Religious Freedom Congress Menu

Close to 900 delegates from 60 nations are assembled in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, for the Seventh World Congress of the International Religious Liberty Association. Discussion topics include the extent of religious persecution worldwide, and ways to improve the situation. Faith leaders from Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other organizations and communities are in attendance, and Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists presented an address on Thursday, April 26, in advance of a Festival of Religious Liberty on April 28 in Santo Domingo, the nation's capital.

Adventist Review news editor Mark Kellner is one of several reporters covering the event. His report, and others, will appear on these pages and subsequently in print. -- Editors

Update 6.       Adventist Leader Explores Clash Between Secularism and Religious Belief  
                        Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson says that "religious freedom bears the signature of a 'God of love."

 Update 5.       Images From Punta Cana 
                         A photo gallery of the world religious freedom congress.

 Update 4.       In World Fields, Religious Liberty Is Often a Hard Struggle
                         Imprisonment, death, police raids not uncommon, IRLA panel discloses. 

 Update 3.       For Many of World's Women, Needed Rights Often Involve More than Faith
                         Religious liberty congress hears of emerging issues.

  Update 2.      Religious Liberty Protection Comes From Grassroots, Expert Says
                         Government important, but people "on the ground" essential

Update 1.      World Religious Freedom Congress Opens With Call to Avoid Secular Society’s Lead
                         Close to 900 delegates meet in Dominican Republic for seventh world event
