October 17, 2011

Give & Take

Herald’s Trumpet
Hi, kids! Our imaginary angel named Herald is back to help us trumpet the best news you’ll ever hear: Jesus is coming again. The trumpet is once again hidden somewhere in this magazine. If you find it, send a postcard telling us where. Be sure to include your name and address! Then we’ll randomly choose three winning postcards.
In our last contest (June 23, 2011) we had 7 entries! Our three winners were Kylee and Karter Anderson, from Arlington, Minnesota; Shayana Kiefiuk, from Penticton, British Columbia, Canada; and D’shelle Marsh, from Northridge, California. Each received a book from Pacific Press. Where was the trumpet? On page 15.
If you can find the trumpet this time, send your postcard to Herald’s Trumpet, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. The prize will be . . . a surprise! Look for the three winners’ names in the January 19, 2012, edition of the Adventist Review. Have fun searching and keep trumpeting Jesus’ love—and His second coming!
2011 1529 page13 

Sound Bite
“The Word of God is the GPS (God’s Perfect System) to a better life and to eternal life.”
—Portia Perkins, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Adventist Life
On a recent visit with my 4-year-old granddaughter, Alivia, I tried taking on the challenge of helping her break a thumb-sucking habit. I knew the temptation was greater for her when she was tired. 
At naptime I lay down beside her, and we prayed together. We asked God to take away the desire she had to suck her thumb. I assured her that Jesus was near and ready to help her.  For a few minutes she lay very still trying hard to keep her hands by her sides, but when the urge became too strong Alivia earnestly said: “Grandmother, He must be helping somebody else.” But she finally went to sleep that day without sucking her thumb! 
When she awakened, I reminded her that Jesus had indeed helped her. Her response was:
“How does He help you?” 
Such a profound question took me a little time to explain. Then I pondered the inspired words “out of the mouths of babes.”
—Emily Felts Jones, Pulaski, Tennessee

Walking through campus one day, a seminary professor came upon a custodian reading a Bible during the lunch hour. The professor asked what he was reading. “The book of Revelation,” the custodian said.
“I’m sure you don’t understand what it means,” said the professor condescendingly.
“Actually, I do,” the custodian replied. “It means Jesus wins!”
In the face of obstacles, trials, and challenges we face on Planet Earth, it’s important to remember that ultimately God always wins!
—Dick Rentfro, Thorp, Washington
