August 1, 2011

Give & Take

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ADVENTISING: “Christ in the Marketplace” is ASI’s motto. Joe Garza, an ASI member from northern California, thinks the organization should move to the next level. Imagine making the three angels’ messages available 24/7 to people in every city or town—without breaking the bank. That is what Adventising, a witnessing venture initiative, is all about.
Recently, during It Is Written’s “Babylon Rising” event in Las Vegas, Nevada, ASI Pacific Union partnered with Adventising ( to provide 1,000 vehicles with window decals. They produced thousands of opportunities for the Holy Spirit.
“We have about 4,500 vehicles in North America, and we also produced 2,000 for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa last year,” says Garza. “After all, as Seventh-day Adventists, we may be small in number, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be small in influence.”
Sound Bite
“If you can imagine taking every camp meeting in North America and holding them all together under one roof . . . that’s ASI.”
 —Karen Lewis, former Bible worker program director and ASI representative for Rocky Mountain Conference, who often told her lay Bible workers this in regard to the national ASI convention
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Bits & Pieces
The title of our pastor’s sermon on a recent Sabbath was “Soul Floss,” and an introduction in our bulletin noted a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes that called for nobility of the soul. But how to achieve this? The notice went on to say that we would be discussing those practices that do for the soul what dental floss does for the teeth. The pastor got our full attention!
—Maida D. Law, Boonsboro, Maryland
Adventist Life?
Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries Edition
Mark Black, current ASI vice president for logistics, had friends urging him to come to an ASI convention long before he knew what ASI was. Black thought it stood for “Adventist Singles International” and couldn’t understand the urgency. He was married and had three children!
—Ellen Butler, Grand Ronde, Oregon
After 11 ASI national conventions, we have many wonderful memories. But the one that stands out most is our son’s baptism at the ASI-sponsored Youth for Jesus event, which is held each year just before the International ASI Convention. For that blessing alone we are eternally grateful.
—Terry and Colleen Anderson, Franktown, Colorado
