Adventist Life
REVIEW RED-CARPET EXPERIENCE: This past March Adventist Review’s features editor Sandra Blackmer rubbed elbows with some of Hollywood’s brightest stars and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) supporters at the Twenty-fifth Genesis Awards in Los Angeles, California. Blackmer’s interview with Loma Linda University’s Sigve K. Tonstad, “What Are We Really Doing to God’s Creatures?” (Mar. 18, 2010), was nominated for the Genesis Award in the Outstanding Written Word—William Wilberforce Award category. This award recognizes journalistic excellence on animal protection issues in faith-based publications.
The winning article for this category was “A Feast Fit for the King,” by Leslie Leyland Fields (Christianity Today, November 2010).
—AR staff
Sound Bites
“Faith in God is the best insurance when you’re faced with personal tragedy or a natural disaster. An insurance company can reimburse your financial loss, repair your home or car, and help you start again in business, but only God can mend your broken heart.”
—Sonal Jayaswal; submitted by Brenda Kinkead, Australia
“Parents should not only know the way and show the way, they should GO the way.”
—Pastor Marilyn Scott, in her sermon “Imitators of Christ,” delivered February 19, 2011, at the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland
The following testimony was impressed on a tombstone:
No one asked me whether I wanted to be born, But I was. No one asked me whether I wanted to die, But I did.
One day between the two Someone asked me whether I wanted to die So I could live, And I did.?
Then that One told me I was born again, And I was.Soon the same One will tell me to live once more, And I will.
—Submitted by Helen Kelly, Ridgetop, Tennessee