April 21, 2011

Give & Take

Camp Meeting Memories
2011 1512 page13When my great-grandson Nathaniel was 10 months old, his parents, got time off from work and flew to California during Redwood camp meeting.
Our family went to visit the juniors pavilion, where they were singing their favorite songs. We all joined in the singing, and all of a sudden Nathaniel let go an octave above everyone else with all the volume he could put out: “Cha, cha, da, da, da, da, da, da!” The 10-month singer could be heard all over the pavilion!
I said to my granddaughter, “Best not to squelch him, for when he learns to talk and his voice changes, he too may sing bass like his great-great-grandfather did when he was singing to the Lord!”
—Dixie Iversen, Ukiah, California
Sound Bite
“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”
—David, from Psalm 8:2
2011 1512 page13Adventist Life
 During the prayer and praise time of our weekly Sabbath service people can speak up and share their requests and thanks prior to the congregational prayer. One Sabbath the platform elder recognized Brian, who shared the following: “I want to praise God that I’ve been praying for the local fortuneteller lately, and I’m happy to see that she’s closing her doors.” 
The elder was noticeably amused. After the service I asked him why he was so amused about Brian’s praise. He chuckled, “It seems like she should have seen that coming!”
—Craig Wilcox, South Lake Tahoe, California
Berkshire Mission from Massachusetts recently worked on a Maranatha project in Honduras. Jennifer Young, wife of director Bob Young, writes daily news for family and friends at home. When she interviewed José Pérez about his reputation for hard work at the construction site, he said, “I paid good money to work here, and I am going to get my money’s worth!”
—Mary Miller, Vernon, Vermont
Share With Us
We are looking for brief submissions in these categories:
Adventist Quotes (profound or spontaneous)
Adventist Life (short anecdotes, especially from the world of adults)
Camp Meeting Memories (short, humorous, and/or profound anecdotes)
Please send your submissions to Give & Take, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: [email protected]. Please include phone number. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned.