April 7, 2011

Glow Stories

GLOW Stories
Giving light to our world (GLOW) is an outreach initiative in multiple North American Division conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out, free of charge, at every opportunity. Here are two short stories of lives touched by GLOW:

Story 1
On a flight leaving Fresno, California, John* says he felt impressed to begin reading through all the GLOW tracts he had with him. The first one he pulled out was titled “Promise of Peace.” He then took out his Bible to look up a related text. A flight attendant remarked, “It’s so awesome to see a Bible open,” and a conversation ensued. The flight attendant said he enjoyed studying the Bible and was part of a Bible study group. He also mentioned that he would like to have more substantive Bible study material and that he was interested in prophecy. John handed him several GLOW tracts and suggested that he purchase the book by Ellen G. White titled The Great Controversy.
Story 2
A woman called the GLOW office and asked about A Time for Peace, a small book that GLOW distributes containing content from Ellen G. White’s The Desire of Ages. The woman was the wife of a local pastor. She explained to the receptionist that one morning she had felt impressed to pray about a particular situation she and her husband were dealing with, and that later that same day while at work in her hair salon a man had come into the shop and handed her the book A Time for Peace. She and her husband both read it and began keeping the Sabbath. The woman wanted to purchase more of the books to give to her friends.
*a pseudonym
Stories compiled by Central California Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To find out more about GLOW, go to sdaglow.org.
