February 10, 2011

Give and Take

2011 1505 page13Photos
SEEN AT GYC: Adventist Review editor Bill Knott and his son, Evan, lead out in a seminar about writing for church publications at a Friday afternoon breakout session (above). Dozens of GYC attendees wait to board one of more than 75 buses that carried them throughout the Baltimore metro area for door-to-door witnessing.
Sound Bite
“We are always in a state of becoming; we’re always being changed. . . . And whatever it is that we are being exposed to on a day-by-day basis also creates the stories that make us a different person than we used to be.”
—Joe Wheeler, during an interview in November 2010, in Silver Spring, Maryland
Adventist LIfe
I have always known that returning a tithe on one’s income makes the money stretch—makes the nine-tenths go farther than the original amount. 

However, only in the past few years have I discovered that giving God an hour of my time the first thing in the morning makes the day go smoother. It also seems to add hours to the day so the things that need to get done are done without rush and stress. There is nothing scientific about any of this, but I believe it’s true!
—Evelyn Wagner, Rogue River, Oregon
“Baptism to Me”
2011 1505 page13Baptism to me,
Is believing God died on that cross, that tree.
Baptism to me,
Is accepting God’s gift of eternal life free.
Is having faith in God’s soon return.
Is trusting God no matter what.
Baptism to me,
Is knowing that there is a Satan,
But that God will destroy him in the end,
No matter what his plea.
Baptism to me,
Is being and acting like God’s own daughter,
I will be God’s daughter,
What a joy to know that God would accept me!
—Heather Wahlen, 13, wrote this poem for her baptism on December 25, 2010, Silver Spring, Maryland
