December 20, 2010

Give & Take

2010 1541 page13Poem
The Gift
On that long ago eve in Bethlehem
Who knew what the night would bring?
But shepherds out upon the hills
Heard herald angels sing,
And Wise Men from the fabled East,
Who had seen the guiding star,
Followed it to Bethlehem,
Bringing treasures from afar.
And Mary birthed a Child that night,
He in a manger lay
Among the lowly animals
In the stable where they stayed,
With Joseph there beside her
To give them both his care,
While angels unseen hovered ’round
In answer to his prayer.
The Magi found Him lying there
Just where the star had told,
And brought their gifts of frankincense,
Of myrrh, and even gold.
And yet one wonders if they knew
The truth of what they saw
As they bowed low before the Babe
With reverence and awe.
Their gifts of gold, myrrh, frankincense
Brought to that lowly stall,
Were offered to a newborn King,
The Greatest Gift of all!

—Brent Balmer
Lamar, Colorado
As the Year Closes
We express our deepest gratitude to our readers who graciously send their input and submissions for the Give & Take section of the Adventist Review. Your kind and timely contributions keep this segment one of the most popular in the magazine. Let’s praise God together for His wonderful blessings upon the Adventist family during the year 2010. Join the excitement as we ponder some of the following comments sent in by you, dear readers!
2010 1541 page13• “Thank you for the interesting and enjoyable Give & Take page in the Adventist Review. After looking at the cover page, we turn to Give & Take!”
—Ione Richardson, Gresham, Oregon
• “I have attached a couple of anecdotes which may be appropriate for Give & Take. This section of the Adventist Review is one of my favorites—I usually turn to it first.”
 —Dee Hall, Nipomo, California
• “Thank you for all the interesting things you put in the Give & Take column. You have accepted several of my submissions, and I have more to share.”
—Sharon Follett, Dunlap, Tennessee
• “Thank you for the Give & Take page—the lighter side of my favorite journal, the Adventist Review! Blessings!”
—Lorraine Hirsch Olson, Loma Linda, California
Sound Bite
“Adventists are not fortunetellers, but foretellers of the coming judgment and Christ’s soon return.”
—Pastor Tom Kopko, in a sermon at the West Sacramento Seventh-day Adventist Church in California.
