Giving light to our world—GLOW—is an outreach initiative in multiple NAD conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out—free of charge—at every opportunity. Here are two short stories of lives touched by GLOW:
Story 1 For the past nine years Ophelia, a nurse, has been distributing literature in the outpatient surgical clinic where she works. One morning at the clinic the operation for a woman who was diabetic was rescheduled at the last minute because tests showed that her blood sugar level was very high. When Ophelia broke the news to the woman and her husband, she also handed them a GLOW tract on health titled “Does God Care That I’m Hurting?” The couple responded with gratitude, and when they returned a week later, the woman asked Ophelia whether she had more GLOW pamphlets. “Yes, I do,” Ophelia said. “Why?” “I want to share them with others,” the woman responded. Ophelia ?happily gave her more tracts.
Story 2 Mr. and Mrs. Purdy regularly hand out tracts in their neighborhood. One day a 6-year-old boy they met invited them to also meet his mother. While talking to the mom they gave her a GLOW tract. When she noticed that the literature was religious in nature she said, “I work at a care facility, and we’ve been looking for someone to give Bible studies to residents there.” She recommended the Purdys for the job, and they are now leading out in Bible studies with a regular attendance of about eight people.
Stories compiled by Central California Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To find out more about GLOW, go to For information about the Adventist Church's publishing work, go to www.