Warm greetings from ASI.
This summer, the fifty-ninth session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists convened in Atlanta, Georgia. It was thrilling to see church members, pastors, and administrators gather from around the world. It was also gratifying to see the Lord oversee the selection of leaders and the affirmation of biblical doctrines such as creation and marriage.
Believers will continue to be nurtured on a daily basis within the context of their local congregations. In reality, our world church thrives or languishes as our local churches strengthen or decline. Our ability to reach others is rooted in our active support of these congregations as we invite visitors to Sabbath school and worship services, serve our communities through our Community Services operations, and train our young people in Pathfinders and in our local church schools.
The four winds of strife referenced in the book of Revelation continue to be held in check. It is not a matter of whether, but when they will be released. May we press together to gain strength, vision, and inspiration to finish strong in these exciting days when the remnant church and its members are privileged to represent Christ throughout the world.
As an organization of laypersons, ASI’s primary goal is to empower members of local churches to minister to others. ASI member ministries provide resources and visit local churches and camp meetings to train and educate local church members in evangelism and outreach techniques. A growing roster of ASI ministries and the services they offer is available on the ASI Web site (www.asiministries.org) and from the national ASI office.
To those on-site at our annual convention in Orlando, we praise the Lord that we can meet together to share inspiration, to worship, and to become more effective in service in the final days before our Lord returns. To those reading these pages in other places, we hope you will be encouraged and inspired to action by what you read, or by accessing archived sermons and seminars available on the ASI Web site (www.asiministries.org).
Norm Reitz is ASI president. This article was published August 12, 2010.