“Frequent reference was made to the statement in the Spirit of Prophecy that the end of ?this world’s history will never come until lay membership unite their efforts with those of the church officers ?and ministers.”
—From the minutes of the first organizational meeting of ASI, ?March 4, 1945
“ASI is all about being inspired to be a blessing —wherever you are, ?no matter what you’re doing.”
—Kathy Smith, ?ASI member
“Attending an ASI convention is not a cost—it’s an investment.”
—Mark Finley, retired evangelist and General Conference vice president
ASI LIFE 3ABN’s earliest roots go back to the 1985 ASI convention held in Big Sky, Montana. The guest of an ASI member attended, hoping to share his idea of starting an Adventist uplink satellite television station from southern Illinois. He was not, however, on the scheduled program and was initially denied the opportunity to speak. When the weather turned bad, however, organizers had to scramble for additional programming, and the guest was given the platform after all. His presentation caught the interest of an ASI member who became the first significant financial supporter for 3ABN.
That station has given dozens of ministries and musicians a platform to share the gospel around the world. 3ABN now airs programming from ASI’s international convention, held each year the first week of August.
—Conna Bond, ASI communication director
Online Video Magazine
Did You Know?
We Unite: From the start, ASI has always been a laypersons’ movement. ASI unites the efforts of laypeople, ministries, and business professionals in sharing the gospel worldwide, both in support of and cooperation with the regular organized work of the Adventist denomination. ASI members work collectively and individually to accomplish a common goal: “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.”
We Gather: Each year, ASI members hold an international convention to encourage one another and exchange ideas vital to their lay-driven ministry goals. ASI conventions are energetic, inspiring affairs where networks are formed and plans are made that one individual or institution could never accomplish alone.
We Give: ASI members are well known for generously giving a special projects offering each year to support 30 to 35 ?ministry projects. Each ministry selected to receive funds must report on how the funds are used. Projects may be as large as the worldwide One-Day Church project or as small as a local church’s need for repairs or printed literature. Each need is prayerfully considered (see p. 7).
The Emmanuel Quartet, based in Collegedale, Tennessee, sings ?during the 2009 ?ASI International Convention, in Phoenix, Arizona, which aired on 3ABN.