17. Community of the Spirit
Jan Paulsen presented the president's report on Thursday July 24, 2010.
16. Tell the World, Until All Have Heard
Matthew A. Bediako, presented the secretary's report on Friday, June 25, 2010.
15. Extraordinary Promise
Despite economic turmoil, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been blessed, reports GC treasurer Robert E. Lemon.
14. The Adventist Mission: A 50-Year Perspective
The report of Archives and Statistics Director Bert Haloviak presented June 25, 2010.
13. Growing in Service
A report presented by East-Central Africa Division President Geoffrey G. Mbwana on Sunday June 27, 2010.
12. Facing the Future—Looking at Jesus
President Bruno Vertallier reports on the work of the Adventist Church in the Euro-Africa Division over the past five years, and looks ahead to the future.
11. With Him . . . for Him . . . by His Power
Growth in the Euro-Asia Division is marked by public evangelism and personal witnessing, says President Artur Stele.
10. Powerful Acts of the Spirit
A Pentecost experience has united the Inter-America Division in a spirit of evangelism, says President Israel Leito.
9. Five Years of Progress
A report presented by North American Division President Don Schneider, on Saturday June 26, 2010.
8. The Most Challenging Field
That's how President Jairyong Lee describes the territory of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. He presented his report on June 28, 2010.
7. Impacting Lives with Hope
The Adventist Church in South America is vast and diverse. Church members on the continent are reflecting Christ's character in many ways, reports division president Erton Köhler.
6. South Pacific: Innovative Mission
A report of the Adventist Church's work in the South Pacific Division presented July 1, 2010.
5. Lift Up Christ—Tell the World!
The gospel is the central mission of the Southern Africa Indian-Ocean Division, says president Paul S. Ratsara.
4. Pressing Against Difficult Currents
Even though the Southern Asia Division has experienced significant growth in the past five years, the division still faces major challenges, reports president John Rathinaraj.
3. Empowered By God's Grace
With 18 countries within its territory, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division has immense diversity, reports President Alberto C. Gulfan, Jr.
2. Growing Together in Unity and Hope
A report of the Adventist Church's work in the Trans-European Division presented June 30, 2010.
1. Win One, Each One; Each One, Tell the World
Setting the pace with one-on-one evangelism, the West-Central Africa Division is moving ahead with steady growth.