Faces, Facts, and Fun From the Dome
The number of jumbotrons used in the Georgia Dome to give spectators anywhere in the dome close-ups of platform participants.
Silent Witness
Papua New Guinea resident Serina Nade determined 10 years ago to attend an Adventist world session. Now in Atlanta, she says she won’t miss a minute of the 10-day event. On Sunday she sat in sparsely attended spectator seats overlooking a policy meeting on the Georgia Dome floor.
Managing the Session
After six years of walking the halls of the Georgia Dome and the Atlanta World Congress Center in preparation for the GC session, Sheri Clemmer, session manager, is delighted to see them filled with people.
The most frustrating part of her job? Finding time to sleep. The most rewarding aspect is hearing all the people singing in the dome: “It gives me goose bumps,” she says.
Catching Some Z's
Believers suffering from jet lag, as well as those worn out by hours of presentations and floor debates in the Georgia Dome and hours spent wandering the hallways of the Georgia World Congress Center, can be forgiven if they claim a few square feet of floor space to take a short nap sometime during the day.
Kids in Session
Aside from roaming the Georgia World Congress Center with a parent who isn’t involved in the meetings or exhibits, what is there for kids to do?
GC Day Camp. Sponsored by FLAG (Fun Learning About God) Camp International, Shenandoah Valley Academy, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University, and Camp Blue Ridge, the nine-day program is a fantastic thing. Kids ages 6 through 13 are picked up from the Georgia Dome; bused to Carman Seventh-day Adventist School in Marietta, for a day of music, Bible activities, swimming, crafts, and nature activities; provided lunch; and brought back by 5:00 p.m. at a cost of $30 per day. “It’s been fun,” says
11-year-old Jessica Pepper.
Her mother, Kathy, agrees: “It’s fun for her and fun for us, because we don’t have to worry.”
For more about the session from kids’ perspectives, visit www.kidsviewmag.org.
Missionary Gathering
About 400 interdivision employees (IDEs) met Monday evening, June 28, to put names to faces, since, under normal conditions, they only communicate with each other via e-mail and snail mail. To read an expanded account of this meeting, click here.
Sound Check
At a cost of US$125,000, the sound system used in the Georgia Dome was delivered to Atlanta in two semitrailers.