s part of its centennial celebration in 2009, the Loma Linda University School of Medicine (LLUSM) published a devotional book, Morning Rounds. Consisting of essays and experiences of students, staff, and guest speakers, the book has 365 daily readings that reflect the school’s spiritual foundations and continued vision and purpose. Enjoy a sample of those readings on this page.
“If the Christian physician is to be properly implemented for his sacred calling, he must have a mature devotional life. By that I mean he must know how to meditate and pray. The small child ‘says prayers’; the adolescent prays mainly for things; and the adult prays for insight, divine guidance, and the Christian spirit.”
—The late Norval F. Pease was an Adventist educator and theologian.
“As I prepare treatment plans for my [cancer] patients, I realize, invariably, that I can only provide limited solutions and comfort for them. . . . In contrast to my expectation of looking for a sense of hopelessness in their eyes when I inform them of bad news, many have no fear or worry on their faces. “That is truly amazing,” I contemplate in my heart. And yet, the answer is soon forthcoming; they lack fear because of their faith in our God.”
—C. S. Chen, head of the division of hematology and oncology
“When Jesus healed people, He would often touch them—even if they were considered untouchable due to leprosy. A simple touch on the shoulder or holding a patient’s hand tells patients that you care about how they feel. Touch is an inaudible transmission of caring. Doesn’t God touch our lives, even when we are sometimes untouchable? . . .
“People may be imprisoned in the darkness of sin, depression, abuse, or addictions; or have sorrow, despair, or poor health. And the Lord is calling us to release these prisoners in His name. Beginning with a simple touch, we can transmit the Savior’s love and alleviate their pain.”
—Naeem Newman, LLUSM class of 2004, and chief resident in general surgery at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C.
“Most of us relish words of gratitude directed toward us. How grateful we are to hear our children, our colleagues, family, and friends spontaneously drop a ‘thank you’ in our direction. Science is finding endorphins that bring health to the body as a result of positive emotions generated by words. . . .
“Life-giving power comes through pleasant words of gratitude, sweet to the soul and health to the body. Today, find an excuse to pass on pleasant words of gratitude to someone in your life. Watch and wait for the ‘marvelous life-giving power found in cheerfulness, unselfishness, and gratitude’” (Ellen G. White, Education, p. 197).
—Georgia E. Hodgkin, associate chair of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics for the School of Allied Health Professions
“As I became more interested in becoming a physician, I found myself delving more deeply into the Word. I searched for any Scripture that showed Jesus not only as a man who healed the sick, but also as a man with heart. And I found story after story about Jesus the Man, who did heal with a tender heart. He not only cleansed the sick of their afflictions, but also showed them complete love and acceptance. He stopped what He was doing on His important journey to heal, pray, hug.”
—Brian Savino, LLUSM class of 2011
“In 1999, when my hospital’s medical records became computerized, I had to develop ‘strong’ passwords, meaning they had to be at least eight characters, have capital and lowercase letters, as well as symbols. . . .
“If I take a short phrase of Scripture and string together the first letters of each word and include punctuation or change a ‘to’ to a ‘2,’ I can make a very strong password that is easy to remember. . . .
“Here are some of my passwords: J,SoD,hmom (Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me); WmdmLh4hs? (What message does my Lord have for his servant?); HgitltFhlou (How great is the love the Father has lavished on us); TeGiyr,auatea (The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms). Here is one of my favorites that consoled me many times as I struggled with a difficult medical or ethical dilemma, or when I felt I had failed: Bth!Ihotw (But take heart! I have overcome the world).”
—Jim McMillan, associate professor in the LLUSM Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology