lack Friday (November27), the day after Thanksgiving day, marked the traditional start of the holiday season in North America. For most people Christmas is a time of joy, but for many, the holidays can be stressful. How should Christians approach the holidays? This week the Adventist Review presents several articles to help make your holidays a memorable and enjoyable occasion.
Surviving the Holidays--Part 1
AR editor Bill Knott interviews Dr. Wes Youngberg, Dr.P.H., Wellnes Center director,
Rancho Family Medical Group in Temecula, California. Published December 10, 2009.
Surviving the Holidays--Part 2
AR editor Bill Knott continues the conversation with Dr. Wes Youngberg, Dr.P.H.
The "Grinches" Who Would Steal Back Christmas
Are we spending more and enjoying the holidays less?
Managing Holiday Stress
Seven holiday gifts you can give yourself.
The Holidays: Memorable or Painful?
For some families, the holidays are a painful time.
Staying Healthy Through the Holidays
The trouble with the holidays is that we have equated gluttony with festivity. A 2004 Ask the Doctors column gives us practical tips for keeping our waistlines in check during holiday merriment.
A Simple Witness
There's more than one way to celebrate Christmas