embers of the General Conference Executive Committee, the highest ruling body of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, are gathering at the Adventist world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, for the committee's Annual Council October 9-14. The main purpose of Annual Council, one of two regular business sessions of the committee, is to hear institutional and departmental reports, vote changes in church policy, and approve the church's world budget. In this year's meetings, several items will be recommended for vote at the 2010 General Conference Session in Atlanta, Geogia.
As a service to our readers, the Adventist Review presents ongoing coverage of the meetings with a series of daily reports, commentaries, and other resources.
Breaking News
Special Feature
Read the GC Secretary's complete report.
Conservative Investing Helps Church Weather Economic Downturn
Wage, hiring, freezes help keep church operations within budget.
Adventist Church Adds 1 Million Members for Six Years Straight
Leaders encourage an honest look at records, cite membership audits as catalysts to growth.
Delegates Move 2010-2015 "Tell the World" Plan to G.C. Session
Vote to be held in Atlanta on strategy to "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach Across"
Reconciliation, Unity, Involvement are Paulsen's Annual Council Themes
World church president emphasizes cross of Christ as central to Adventist message.