t the conference meetings I presented to our people the need of pledging ourselves for advance work in our religious experience. God’s people are to seek now, as never before, to be purified and sanctified, a holy people, who, by the exemplification of truth in their words, their purpose, and their actions, communicate their knowledge of truth, and do honor to the One who died that they might be a praise among all people. The grace of Christ alone can bring this about, making believers not only professors of the truth, but men and women who live the truth, and thus reveal the principles of the gospel. . .
A Call for Commitment Then and Now
The Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and was revealed in the words that were given me to speak. I asked those present who felt the urgency of the Spirit of God, and who were willing to pledge themselves to live the truth and to teach the truth to others, and to work for their salvation, to make it manifest by rising to their feet. I was surprised to see the whole congregation rise. I then asked all to kneel down, and I sent up my petition to heaven for that people. . . . I felt the deep moving of the Spirit of God upon me, and I know that the Lord gave me a special message for his people at this time. I realized that I had with me the presence of him whom the Jews took and crucified, but who rose from the dead, and declared . . . , “. . . Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, . . . and, lo, I am with you always” [Matt. 28:18-20, KJV]. . . .
After this meeting I felt that my work was finished, and we decided to return home the following day. Elder J. D. Rice drove us to the railway station in his carriage. I carried a cushion with me, thinking to sleep in the cars on the homeward journey; but my mind had been so powerfully wrought upon that I could not sleep; and during the journey I silently offered my prayer to God, asking him to give me physical and spiritual strength to reach the people with the message of life that Christ has given his faithful shepherds to proclaim.
Receiving the Power Available From Heaven
Christ declared to his disciples that they were to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. His life of unselfishness and love was to be copied by them. . . . The knowledge of his suffering on Calvary’s cross and his unchanging love for mankind was to be made known to all people. And Christ further declared, “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me” [Acts 1:8, KJV]. . . .
God’s people are to be constantly reaching up to him in prayer. It was after the early disciples had spent ten days in supplication, after all differences had been put away, and they had united in deep heart-searching, and in confession and putting away of sins, and in drawing together in holy fellowship, that the Holy Ghost came upon them, and the promise of Christ was fulfilled. There was a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly there came from heaven the sound as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. “And the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls” [Acts 2:41, KJV].
These disciples did not confine themselves to any class of people or place. “They went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” [Mark 16:20, KJV]. Notwith-
standing the fierce opposition that the disciples met, in a short time the gospel of the kingdom had been sounded to all the inhabited parts of the earth. In the providence of God great multitudes were gathered at Jerusalem at this time, and many were converted. These, returning to their homes, carried the wonderful news to every place.
Sharing the Message That Saves
The commission given to the first disciples is given to those who in these last days have received increased light from heaven. It was God’s desire that all nations should be aroused to repentance and obedience by the working of the Holy Spirit. The message of saving grace is to be preached to all nations and kindreds and tongues and peoples. . . .
Not all can fill the same place; but every one who yields himself to the consecrating influence of the Holy Spirit will be under the control of Christ; and for consecrated men and women God has made full provision. Actual service will determine the character of the work of those ordained of God to bring salvation to human hearts and minds.
The work of God needs the gifts and offerings of his people. These are to be bestowed for the advancement of his kingdom. Just as long as men and women will be led and guided by the Holy Spirit for the magnifying of God’s law and the advancement of the kingdom of grace, the work will go forward. Just so surely as they give evidence of the fruits of the Spirit in heart and life and character, souls will be reached and saved. Go to all nations, Christ says; my Spirit shall go with you; and angels of God that excel in strength will be present to aid every soul who by living faith will make God his strength. . . . Let all seek the Lord with all the heart and with all the soul, and work in the spirit of Christ.
This article is excerpted from one that first appeared in The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, now the Adventist Review, March 11, 1909. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen G. White exercised the biblical gift of prophecy during more than 70 years of public ministry.