PASTOR TOLD ME RECENTLY THAT his church had changed its sign to reflect a major new ministry to their community. I was impressed. It reminded me that the business world understands the importance of a sign, and that many of our church signs often might produce more “wonder” than clarity.
Signs can make or break an organization, so most successful companies pay “big bucks” for someone to evaluate their signs. But what about your own church signs? How well do they measure up?
Not sure? Then take the following sign “test” and find out:
1. Can people see it?
• Is there anything obstructing its view?
• Does your church need more than one sign? If so, each sign might convey a different message. If your sign has two sides, give each—both “coming” and “going”—a different message.
• Is the font size appropriate?
• Has it been a while since you reevaluated your sign? Church signs are effective ways to advertise, yet many of them have not been evaluated for years.
2. What does the sign reveal about Seventh-day Adventists?
• Does it help dispel the mystery about our unique name?
• For most people in your community, it will represent all they will ever know about our church.
• Studies show that 80 percent of today’s population have no idea what “Adventist” means and have no knowledge of God’s command about the Sabbath.
• Perhaps a committee should work on a church sign statement such as: “Seventh-day Sabbath—a day to remember God’s creative power.”
3. Does your sign provide hints about the mission of your particular church? Consider the following suggestions:
• “Creating forever friendships”
• “Changing hearts and helping the community”
• “Painting a biblical picture of a loving God”
• “20 million served every week”
• “Helping the community with mental, physical, and
spiritual growth”
• “Providing K-8 accredited Christian education”
• “Providing help for addictions and quality life wellness programs”
4. Does it identify what happens at your location? Consider the following:
• “Weekly Bible study for children and adults”
• “Providing wedding, funeral, and child dedication services”
• “Weekly worship of God’s creative power”
5. Does it provide an invitation to attend? Again, check out the following possibilities:
• “Every visitor is family”
• “Free weekly buffet—12:30-1:30—everyone welcome”
• “Kids and adults—free!”
6. Is your sign for the times? Consider the following:
• Advertise the church Web site and media ministry.
• “Listen to Christian television at”
• “Want Bible answers? Go to”
• Display the temperature. Most passersby will look every time.
7. When did you last update the sign?
• Successful businesses update their signs regularly.
• Obviously you can’t put everything listed above on a sign, but regular changes can provide much-needed variety.
• An old sign shouts a message, usually negative.
• If it is always the same, it becomes invisible.
• Changing your sign might be pricey, but not changing your sign may be costing you more.
If you think it’s time to purchase a new church sign, contact your local conference Communication Department. I’m sure the staff there will be happy to provide you with the information you need.
Gordon Pifher is president of the British Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.