July 11, 2008

Cognitive Genesis

The Results are In

capAdventist educators in North America have long maintained that their students’ achievement test scores (Iowa Test of Basic Skills scores), pass rates, and college matriculation percentages consistently outpace the scores in most public school, and even other private school systems. An annual report released by the Council of American Private Education indicates that of private education students on North American standardized tests routinely outscore those of public school students. Are these impressive facts, or just well-intentioned propaganda?

2008 1519 page33 linkThe Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division (NAD) is currently conducting the first division-wide study to assess Adventist academics in elementary and secondary schools. Researchers at La Sierra University, in conjunction with the NAD Office of Education are undertaking the three-year study titled Cognitive Genesis.

The research initiative documents the academic achievement of approximately 37,000 students in Adventist schools in North America, and examine various demographic factors related to achievement.

The results of the first year of the study are in. Click on the adjacent link to see video highlights.

