he prophet once wrote, “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (Isa. 54: 13, KJV).
One of the treasured values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is Christian education. True education is the intersection where faith and learning intersect, where Christian principles are passed on to future generations. This week the Adventist Review shares articles and resources from our archives on the value of Adventist education.
How do we stack up?
The unique strength of the Adventist school system.
Invest in the future of our Adventist young people.
An inside look at how Adventist students are being challenged to change the world
More than 6,500 educators gather in Nashville for the NAD Teachers Convention.
A firsthand view of Christian commitment on Adventist college campuses.
Leslie Pollard shares his reflections on Christian education.