April 26, 2008

Remembering Miriam Wood

capMiriam Wood, wife of longtime Adventist Review editor-in-chief Kenneth H. Wood, died March 16, 2008, near her home in Montgomery County, Maryland. An English and History major at Pacific Union College, she devoted much of her professional life to teaching high school English in the Montgomery County school system. However, it was for serving as a columnist for the Adventist Review for 31 years that readers knew her best. In addition to this impressive record, Wood also authored 16 books. William G. Johnsson, a former Adventist Review editor, summed up the regard church members young and old have for her: "Hearing that Miriam was calling it quits, someone asked me about a replacement. But no one could replace Miriam Wood." Adventist Review is pleased to present samples from her three decades of columns.

The Adventist Ann Landers
Former Review editor William G. Johnsson talks about who Miriam Woods was to the Adventist Review.

Before I Go
Miriam Wood's final column for the Review.

At Odds With Pastor
What do do when you can't seperate the message from the messenger.

When You're Young
How to keep your priorites centered on the right stuff.

Cyanide or Chocolate? 
With the lines blurred between good and bad, how do we make the right choices?
