The Gospel Memory Course

This resource uses a popular method of helping people learn to remember lots of complicated information, with ready access to it in their minds. It is the first such course to apply this method to the Bible. If you successfully complete the course, you will be able to recall the most important fact or key text from each chapter of the New Testament, as well as quickly understand where various materials and themes are located in the flow of the New Testament.
Developed by Seventh-day Adventist pastor Chester Hitchcock, currently assigned to the Medina and Barberton churches in Ohio, the publication has permission to utilize learning methods that you may have seen demonstrated on television. Hitchcock is currently working toward developing a second course that will cover the Old Testament.
This resource comes with 15 lessons on audiocassette and a workbook in an attractive case. It can be used by individuals on their own, in a small group, or as the basis for a seminar or class offered either to the community or to church members. It enables people to learn the Bible for themselves and be comfortable moving around the Bible and identifying relevant passages on just about any topic. This is excellent preparation for church members who want to give Bible studies or lead small group ministries, because it gives them confidence that they know the Bible.
The Adult Quarterly on CD

Pacific Press Publishing Association is now producing an audio version of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, or the “quarterly,” as it is known to anyone who grew up in the Adventist Church. The CD adds no additional material to what you see printed in the standard quarterly, but it is very well produced and makes it possible for busy, modern folk to study the lesson while driving to work or exercising.
The introduction to the audio version says that some of the lessons may be slightly shorter than those in the printed study guide because of time constraints, but the several weeks’ worth I listened to did not suffer any deletions.
This format also opens the possibility of small groups listening to the lesson together and then addressing the discussion questions. It could be a reason for a number of people in your congregation to get back to regular study of the Sabbath school lessons, if you let them know about it. Or, better yet, pass around some sample copies. Once they get started, some listeners may want it every quarter.
You can order single copies or a regular subscription through church standing orders, at, or by calling (800) 765-6955.
You Can Preach!

This is a small, practical book by Sherman Cox—a veteran local elder of 18 years, currently a seminary student and well-known blogger—aimed at elders and other lay leaders who are asked to preach from time to time. It walks you through a seven-step process that practically creates your sermon for you. It includes helpful worksheets and reference sources.
Cox is unabashed in referencing the great history of African-American preaching, but this book will be just as useful to other ethnic groups as to those involved in Black congregations. It could also be easily used as the textbook for a seminar to train lay preachers.
The amazing thing about this book is that it is available free of charge on the Internet. You can download it from, where it is regularly updated and refined. Although it is copyrighted, Cox freely gives permission to send electronic copies to friends or to print out and make as many copies as you need for a group, a class, or your local leaders.
The Lost Interviews

This DVD contains three interviews—each taped live—with small groups of typical, secular young adults in North America. They are interviewed by a Christian pastor who has an interest in reaching and winning this type of person. The pastor asks the young adults directly about their perceptions of the church, of Christians, of being witnessed to, etc. What they say is extremely interesting and can be used to good effect in a witnessing training class or simply as a helpful presentation in Sabbath school or a small group.
Produced by a Bible-centered Christian group that is not affiliated with the Adventist Church, you can get a copy of this DVD from
Monte Sahlin is director of research and special projects for the Ohio Conference and chairman of a team at the Center for Creative Ministry, which is currently implementing a Disclipleship Curriculum Resource project for the North American Division. You can suggest resources to him at [email protected] or (800) 272-4664.