August 20, 2008

Resources to "Tool" Us for Ministry

Guide for Churches Seeking to Make Disciples
If you would like to see your local church become a congregation focused on making disciples, here’s a quick, practical guide to get started. It’s a new book titled Traveling Together: A Guide for Discipleforming Congregations, by Jeffrey D. 2007 1529 page17Jones, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Plymouth, Massachusetts (where the Pilgrims landed). Jones is one of a growing number of Protestant pastors who have come to believe that the main focus of the Christian church must be “making disciples” (Matt. 28:19), in contrast to the more conventional goals of recruiting members, preaching the gospel, or political involvement.
In order to be effective at “making disciples,” a church must have eight characteristics: spiritual vitality; transforming worship; focus on God’s mission; spiritual gifts as the basis for service; ministry shared by clergy and laity; commitment to equipping; wholistic small groups; and a lean, permission-giving structure.
A short, practical bibliography for each of the eight characteristics (see pages 183, 184) may be the most valuable thing in this book. Assessment tools for individuals and congregations are also here. In other words, this small volume is really a tool kit to begin a dialogue with your church board and move toward the goal of a disciple-making congregation.
You can purchase this book from the publisher—The Alban Institute—at, or ask your Adventist Book Center to order it for you.
Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship
2007 1529 page17This is an interesting and helpful book, although Adventists might not agree with everything it says. The author is N. T. Wright, a widely read conservative theologian in the Church of England. He focuses on basic themes in the New Testament and what they mean to being a faithful Christian in the secular context in which we find ourselves today. Chapter 6 is particularly interesting to an Adventist reader because Wright tells the story of the first time he read the book of Revelation when he was 14, and he comes out very near to what Adventists believe about the new earth.
Much deep, spiritual food can be found in this volume. It has excellent seed thoughts for preaching and teaching. It can be a very helpful resource in a pastor’s library.
The publisher is Eerdmans, and your Adventist Book Center can order a copy if it does not have it on the shelves. You can also find this book online from major booksellers.
Eager Beaver Curriculum
One helpful item for discipling children is the Eager Beaver Program. This is one of the new AY classwork achievement awards for children below the age of the Pathfinder Club and is used in Adventurer Clubs. Eager Beaver is designed for children at kindergarten age level.
2007 1529 page17The entire curriculum manual was published recently and can be used by parents working with their own children at home or to provide activities for children on Sabbath afternoons or while the adults are in a small group or seminar. It teaches Christian principles and life skills through creative play.
The manual includes materials for 20 sessions with planning sheets, achievement records, full instructions for craft activities, nature study, etc. It includes a CD with masters to print the handouts and worksheets, so you can make as many as you need for your group. The introduction explains the background and goals of the program, the principles it is based on, and includes a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (by parents), with answers.
You can get this package from AdventSource or by dialing (800) 328-0525.
Monte Sahlin is director of research and special projects for the Ohio Conference. He chairs a team at the Center for Creative Ministry currently implementing a Discipleship Curriculum Resource project for the North American Division. You can alert him to new resources at [email protected] or (800) 272-4664.

