ou can use José Rojas’s five DVD sermons from the Adventist Preaching series for a mid-week meeting series, a weekend revival, or public evangelism. No one is doing more to integrate discipleship with the Adventist heritage of public evangelism than Rojas. He is director of volunteer ministries for the North American Division, as well as senior pastor of Millennium Ministries, a successful multicultural church plant in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
In Living Like Jesus Lives, Rojas constantly touches two themes, one traditional and one very contemporary: getting ready for Jesus’ return, and getting involved in service to the community. Again and again he demonstrates that these two are not different, but one and the same. Rojas brings strong spirituality into the nitty-gritty of today’s metropolitan America.
Truth in packaging: José is a good friend and neighbor of mine. But that should not keep you from discovering one of the most powerful discipleship tools around. His Seven Signs discipleship evangelism package should be the most widely used tool for Adventist outreach in satellite-linked public evangelism, video seminars, small groups, and one-on-one video Bible studies.
Adventist Communication Network (ACN) has issued this new package with Rojas singing at the end of each sermon—he’s a successful gospel recording artist too—and a minidocumentary about his background growing up in Los Angeles and being brought to Christ by Adventist urban missionaries. You can purchase this directly from ACN or through AdventSource at www.adventsource.org or (800) 328-0525.
What We Believe—For Kids
A large-page paperback covers the 28 fundamental teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in language understandable by children in middle school. Each doctrine is presented in a double-page spread with full-color pictures and three or four “Teaching Tips,” suggesting activities that a parent or another adult can do with the child.
This was put together by one of our best communicators, Jerry Thomas, communication director for the Southwestern Union Conference and author of the popular Detective Zack series of children’s books, and the adapter of Messiah, a contemporary paraphrase of The Desire of Ages. This joins the many excellent tools for discipling our children. Pacific Press has done a fantastic job with the graphics, and included the complete official document in the back of the book for reference.
You can get this book at your Adventist Book Center or at www.adventistbookcenter.com or (800) 765-6955.
Kid Zone Bible Guides
The Voice of Prophecy Bible School has provided a set of Bible study guides for children since the 1950s when I took them to prepare for baptism. This year these materials were replaced with a completely updated package. Fourteen study guides of eight pages each cover the Bible doctrines in a Christ-centered way with new full-color graphics and an activity page with games, puzzles, and fun things to do that help children learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus. The author is Karl Haffner.
These attractive tools for child evangelism can be used in community outreach, with the children of adults attending small groups or evangelistic meetings, in Pathfinder Clubs, Sabbath school, Vacation Bible School, or for a baptismal class.
They also have an information packet about how to set up a child evangelism project in your community. Order these materials directly from the Voice of Prophecy by calling (877) 522-1760.
Monte Sahlin is director of research and special projects in the Ohio Conference. He chairs a team at the Center for Creative Ministry, implementing the Discipleship Curriculum Resource project for the North American Division. Send your ideas and comments to him at [email protected] or (800) 438-9600.