May 9, 2007

Gielle's Journal

January 9, 2007
I am in Brazil. It is so awesome here! My grandparents have a swimming pool, a dollhouse, and a tree house. It is really hot, too, but nothing I can’t bear. I found a place to buy beads. Gillian, my cousin, and I have been doing lots of stuff with the beads, trying to find ways to use them other than jewelry. Just a post to tell you that I really like Brazil, but I am getting (just a little) homesick.
February 5, 2007
This is Mom . . .
We arrived home safely from Brazil. Gielle was so happy to be home. She spent the first few hours in her room, organizing her things and enjoying being at home.Gillian already went back to school, but Gielle wants to be home schooled because she does not want to have bad headaches again. We are still debating what the best thing to do is. Gielle has a little wheezing, but she is handling the transition quite well. Praise God for His constant care. We just need wisdom to know how to encourage her more. Please keep us in your prayers.
March 3, 2007
I have done an interview for CQ (Collegiate Quarterly). If you are interested, please read:
Have a happy Sabbath!
2007 1514 page17March 10, 2007
Church was very good today. The sermon was wonderful, and the Sabbath school, too.
Yesterday I had to wake up at 6:00 a.m. We then drove two and a half hours to Ann Arbor. We had to go to the hospital so I could have more scans and lab tests done. They took a blood test and left a bruise. Then I had to drink the contrast. It was mixed with lemonade, and it was yummy because I was NPO, which means I couldn’t eat until my procedure was done. I also had a checkup with the doctors, and it seems that everything is fine. The blood test results came back normal. Now we’re just waiting for the CT scan results.
I have to go eat now. Have a happy week!
March 12, 2007
This is Mom . . .
Last Friday we went to the hospital. It was the first time that the hospital and the cancer clinic did not feel like “home” anymore. It no longer felt like we “belonged.” It was a very good feeling! The doctor said that chemotherapy affects every organ of the body, so we need to pay close attention to see if any changes start to occur. That is why Gielle has been wheezing a lot, and has more allergies. The doctors told us that Gielle will not need to have her scans and labs done again until August. We will be doing scans every six months now. She has already been in remission for a year! Praise God!
March 15, 2007
I can’t tell you much about Michigan weather—except one day it’s sunny and hot, so that you can wear short sleeves outside, and the next day it’s cold and rainy! And still another day it’s snowing! Oh my! Mommy’s and Daddy’s birthdays are coming up, so I still need to plan a surprise for them. I don’t know when Daddy’s arriving home [from his trip], but I really hope it’s soon. I really miss him. My grandma is busy today. We’re both making things to pass the time. I really like home school.

