n October, Adventist leaders from around the world meet in Silver Spring, Maryland, for the General Conference Executive Committee's Annual Council session. The committee votes policies and hears reports on the the church's growth. With a membership of more than 15 million, one of the greatest needs of the church is to develop leaders. In the near future church membership will push 20 million. Who will lead the flocks and nurture growth? This week the Adventist Review Online presents several articles on spiritural leadership and the challenges facing church.
The Epidemic of Busyness Among Christian Leaders
Legions of Christian workers are affected by it. (2005)
GC Delegates Affirm Leadership Development
Delegates at the 2005 General Conference session place major emphasis on nurturing new church leaders. (2005)
What if Jesus Were CEO?
Truth, honor, and service, should be a part of our reality? (2007)
Church Structure in 2025
In 1999 Harold Lee, who was Columbia Union president, offered his vision of the future of the
Adventist Church's structure. Compare his assessments with your observations of what's happening today.
What Happens When Leaders Don't Pray (2004)
A Friend or just a Business Acquaintance?
North American Division Juan Prestol discusses spiritual leadership. (2003)
Facing Our Giants
Written in 1999, Leslie Pollard a former Adventist Review columnist, offered his perspective
on the challenges facing the Adventist Church. HIs observations are still relevant today.