arriage has endured unprecedented attacks recently. Recently, the U.S. Senate considered but ultimately declined to endorse a proposal that would have amended the Constitution and defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. At the same time, Christians are finding it more difficult to stay married.
In today's challenging times what can the church do to preserve marriage? We share the following articles for your insight and encouragement.
Marriage Under Siege
Review associate editor Roy Adams takes an in-depth look at the attacks on marriage.
Will Massachusetts Redefine Marriage for America?
Mark Kellner comments on the implications of the Massachusetts court case involving same-sex unions.
Why Can't Christians Stay Married
Why is divorce more prevalent among Christians than the general population?
Unmarried and Living Together
What's wrong with living together without being married? Theologian Angel Rodriguez explores the biblical implications of this widespread practice.
The Neighbor in My House
Since marriage offers a wonderful opportunity to practice Christianity, why is it so hard?
Affairs: The Slippery Slope to Disaster
Former GC chaplaincy director Richard Stenbakken shows how extra-marital affairs destroy marital intimacy and points out the tale-tell signs.
The Divorce and Remarriage Challenge
How should the church wrestle with this painful issue? Bruce Manners examiners the delicate complexities of the church's role following a marital breakup.